Industrial Statistics Database, 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Rev. 3, US$)

Source: UNIDO, Geneva

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ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Afghanistan (Footnote:Sum of available data. / Data Supplier:Central Statistic Organization Kabul. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires. / Related national publications:None reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Administrative source. / Scope:All registered establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Albania (Scope:All registered enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Algeria (Method of data collection:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Angola (Related national publications:Folha de Informação Rápida sobre Índice de produção Industrial published by Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Scope:All establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Source:Quarterly survey of industry. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 80%). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Argentina (Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística y Censos (INDEC) Buenos Aires. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Armenia (Data Supplier:National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia Yerevan. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Aruba (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:Enterprises in Aruba published by Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Australia (Reference Period:Fiscal year ending 30 June of the year indicated. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been compiled on the basis of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). This classification is not fully compatible with ISIC (Revision 3) especially at a high level of disaggregation. / Related national publications:Mining Operations Australia published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Canberra.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Austria (Reference Period:Calendar year; however data given for a financial year are accepted and incorporated into the calendar year in which the financial year ends. / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from national NACE-related classification system (ÖNACE) to ISIC (Revision 3). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Related national publications:Structural Business Statistics Statistical Yearbook of Austria both published by Statistics Austria Vienna. / Special note:Data before 1995 are not strictly comparable with those provided for later years. / Data Supplier:Statistics Austria Vienna. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Source:Annual survey; secondary statistics data; administrative data; business register.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Azerbaijan (Adjusted for non-response:No. (Response rate: approximately 95%) / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires. / Scope:All enterprises. / Data Supplier:State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Baku. / Source:Annual survey. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Related national publications:Statistical Yearbook "Industry of Azerbaijan" published by State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Baku. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Belarus (Source:Annual survey of registered establishments. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:No. (Response rate: approximately 100%) / Data Supplier:National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Minsk. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Scope:All establishments. / Scope:All enterprises. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Related national publications:Small and Medium-Sized Business in the Republic of Belarus; Labour and Employment in the Republic of Belarus both published by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Minsk. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Belgium (Footnote:A zero (0) indicates that a value is either nil or negligible. / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from national NACE-related classification system to ISIC (Revision 3). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual survey; administrative data. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Related national publications:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Bermuda (Scope:All economically active establishments. / Source:Annual surveys. / Reference Period:Fiscal year referring to the last week of August. / Data Supplier:Department of Statistics Government of Bermuda Hamilton. / Related national publications:Annual Employment Briefs published by the Department of Statistics Government of Bermuda Hamilton. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:Annual Employment Briefs; Annual Gross Domestic Product Publication both published by the Department of Statistics Government of Bermuda Hamilton. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; online survey.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Botswana (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Surveys; administrative data. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Footnote:Statistics Botswana conducts regular surveys in addition to use of administrative data. Survey of recent trends collects data at enterprise level while Survey of employment and employees collects data at establishment level. Data user are therefore requested to bear this in mind when analyzing reported data. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Brazil (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Brunei Darussalam (Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Adjusted for non-response:No (response rate approximately 75%). / Source:Census/ exhaustive survey. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Related national publications:None reported. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; direct interview in the field. / Data Supplier:Department of Statistics Department of Economic Planning and Development under the Prime Minister's Office Bandar Seri Begawan. / Source:Census/ exhaustive survey (every five years). / Scope:All enterprises. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Bulgaria (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria Sofia. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; online survey.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Cabo Verde (Related national publications:None reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estadística Praia. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Footnote:A zero (0) indicates that a value is either nil or negligible. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: China (Scope:All industrial enterprises with annual revenue from principal business above 20 million Chinese Yuan. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Bureau of Statistics Beijing. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Online survey. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual census/ exhaustive survey.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: China, Macao SAR (Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the national classification system - Classification of Economic Activities of Macao (CAM). / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Scope:All establishments. / Source:Industrial survey. / Data Supplier:Statistics and Census Service Macao SAR.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Croatia (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Croatian Bureau of Statistics Zagreb. / Special note:Croatia adopted the Euro on 1 January 2023. All value data are now presented in Euro. Data relating to earlier years (including year 2021) have been converted from its former currency Kuna to Euro using the appropriate irrevocable conversion rate. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Cuba (Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Curaçao (Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Questionnaires; direct interview in the field. / Scope:All registered enterprises. / Source:Annual survey. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Willemstad. / Adjusted for non-response:No. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Cyprus (Scope:All privately owned enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Industrial survey. / Data Supplier:Statistical Service Ministry of Finance Nicosia. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. (Response rate: approximately 99%) / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Related national publications:Industrial Statistics (annual) published by the Statistical Service Ministry of Finance Nicosia. / Method of data collection:Data are collected through personal interviews. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Czechia (Scope:All enterprises. / Source:Annual survey; administrative data; business register. / Source:Annual surveys; administrative data. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified in the National Branch of Economic Activities (OKEO) which was compatible with NACE (Revision 1) . / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Czech Statistical Office (CSO) Prague. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Denmark (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Scope:All enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Statistics Denmark Copenhagen. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Source:Annual survey; tax register; business register.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Ecuador (Source:Survey on registered establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) Quito. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Special note:As from 2000 INEC reports wages and salaries output value added and gross fixed capital formation in United States dollars: it follows the new exchange system whereby the U.S dollar is adopted as the main legal tender in Ecuador for all purposes. Thus all data prior to 2000 have been also converted in U.S dollars. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Egypt (Data Supplier:Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) Cairo. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Estonia (Scope:All enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; online survey. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Fiji (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Finland (Source:Annual survey; administrative data; business register. / Scope:All enterprises. / Data Supplier:Statistics Finland Helsinki. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from NACE (Revision 1) to ISIC (Revision 3).)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: France (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Type of enumeration:Combination of survey and administrative data. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires. / Scope:All enterprises. / Source:Annual survey; administrative data; business register. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the national NACE-related classification system (Nomenclature d'Activités Française - NAF Revision 1).)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Georgia (Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the NACE (Revision 1.1). / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 97%). / Data Supplier:National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Tbilisi. / Scope:All establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Method of data collection:Questionnaires; direct interview in the field. / Related national publications:Entrepreneurship in Georgia; Statistical Yearbook both published by National Statistics Office of Georgia Tbilisi. / Source:Survey. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 85%).)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Germany (Related national publications:None reported. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:Methodological break between 1997 and 1998 and between 1999 and 2000. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Data Supplier:Federal Statistical Office Wiesbaden. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Greece (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data were originally classified according to the Greek classification system based on NACE (Revision 1). / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Scope:All enterprises. / Source:Annual industrial survey; business register. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Data Supplier:National Statistical Service of Greece Athens. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Hungary (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual surveys; administrative data; business register. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Hungarian Central Statistical Office Budapest. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Iceland (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Special note:Due to the change in classification systems as well as administrative responsibility the data for the period prior to 1998 should be treated separately from the 1998 onwards dataset. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: India (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Reference Period:From 1 April of the year indicated to 31 March of the following year. However individual factory returns for an accounting year ending on any day during the reference period are accepted. / Data Supplier:Central Statistics Office India. / Scope:All manufacturing units registered under sections 2m(i) & 2m(ii) of Factories Act1948; Bidi & Cigar units employing 10 or more workers with aid of power or 20 or more workers without aid of power and registered under Bidi & Cigar (Conditions of Employment) Act 1966 and electricity undertakings engaged in generation transmission and distribution of electricity and not registered with Central Electricity Authority. / Source:Annual survey of registered establishments. / Reference Period:From 1 April of the year indicated to 31 March of the following year. However individual factory returns for an accounting year ending on any day during the reference period are also accepted. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Scope:All establishments. / Data Supplier:Statistical Centre of Iran Teheran. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 95 %). / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:None reported. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Survey.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Ireland (Deviations from ISIC:All data have been converted from NACE (Revision 1) to ISIC (Revision 3). / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Source:Annual surveys; administrative data; business registers. / Data Supplier:Irish Central Statistics Office Dublin. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Israel (Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:Manufacturing Survey published by the Central Bureau of Statistics Jerusalem. / Source:Annual survey; administrative data. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Method of data collection:Collection of balance sheets and profit-and-loss statements from income tax authorities. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Italy (Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from national NACE-related classification system to ISIC (Revision 3). / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Scope:All enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Data Supplier:Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (National Institute of Statistics) Rome. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Jordan (Related national publications:Industry Survey (annual); Statistical Yearbook both published by the Department of Statistics Amman. / Scope:All establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Department of Statistics Amman. / Source:Industrial survey monthly statistical bulletin. / Source:Annual industrial survey. / Data Supplier:Department of Statistics Central Bank Amman. / Scope:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 90%). / Special note:Data were derived from the publications 'Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries' published by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO). / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field. / Type of enumeration:Annual industrial survey of all establishments with 20 employees or more and sample survey with 1-19 employees.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Kazakhstan (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Scope:Not reported. / Data Supplier:Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committe on Statistics Almaty. / Source:Statistical reports. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported / Related national publications:None reported. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Kuwait (Source:Annual survey. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Data Supplier:Central Statistical Bureau Kuwait City. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Scope:All establishments.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Kyrgyzstan (Related national publications:None reported. / Source:Annual industrial survey. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Latvia (Related national publications:Statistical Yearbook published by the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Riga. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Lebanon (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Data Supplier:Ministry of Industry Beirut. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Type of enumeration:Establishments are completely enumerated.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Lithuania (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 98%). / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Luxembourg (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration for enterprises exceeding employment or turnover threshold; sample survey for enterprises below threshold values. / Scope:All enterprises included in the business register. / Source:Annual surveys; administrative sources; company accounts. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Service central de la statistique et des études économiques (STATEC) Luxembourg. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Method of data collection:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Malawi (Data Supplier:National Statistical Office Zomba. / Scope:Large establishments. / Reference Period:Fiscal year. / Source:Annual economic survey. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Related national publications:Annual Economic Survey published by the National Statistical Office Zomba.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Malaysia (Related national publications:Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics; Census of Mining and Stone quarrying Industries both published by the Department of Statistics Putrajaya. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Source:Annual survey; census/ exhaustive survey (every five years). / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Reference Period:Calendar year; however data given for a financial year are accepted and incorporated into the calendar year which adheres to the major part of the financial year. / Scope:All registered establishments categorized under mining & quarrying. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 95%). / Data Supplier:Department of Statistics Putrajaya.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Malta (Related national publications:Structural Business Statistics published by the National Statistics Office Valletta. / Method of data collection:Questionnaires are distributed by mail. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to ISIC (Revision 4). / Adjusted for non-response:No (response rate 75%). / Data Supplier:National Statistics Office Valletta. / Source:Survey. / Scope:All enterprises. / Reference Period:Reference period is the calendar year; however data reported for the financial year are also accepted.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Mauritius (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Mongolia (Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; direct interview in the field. / Related national publications:Monthly Bulletin of Statistics; Statistical Yearbook both published by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Scope:All registered establishments. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual surveys. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Statistical Office of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 95%).)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Morocco (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the national classification system. / Data Supplier:Ministère du Commerce de l'Industrie et des Nouvelles Technologies (MCINT) Rabat. / Reference Period:Fiscal year. / Source:Annual industrial survey. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Netherlands (Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the national classification system that is compatible with NACE (Revision 1). / Type of enumeration:Enterprises with 20 or more employees are completely enumerated; smaller enterprises are surveyed through sampling. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual surveys; administrative data; business register. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS Statistics Netherlands) The Hague. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Netherlands Antilles (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Willemstad. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 80%). / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Method of data collection:Questionnaires; direct interview in the field.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: New Zealand (Adjusted for non-response:No. / Reference Period:Fiscal year beginning 1 April of the year indicated. / Source:Annual survey; longitudinal business frame. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been compiled on the basis of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). This classification is not fully compatible with ISIC (Revision 3) especially at a high level of disaggregation. / Data Supplier:Statistics New Zealand Wellington. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Related national publications:Business Activity Statistics; Labour Market Statistics both published by Statistics New Zealand Wellington. / Scope:Enterprises that meet at least one of the following criteria are covered by annual survey: annual goods and services tax (GST) expenses or sales are greater than NZD 30000; rolling mean employee count is greater than three; is part of a group of enterprises.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: North Macedonia (Related national publications:None reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Scope:All establishments. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Norway (Source:Annual inquires; registers; annual company accounts. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Data Supplier:Statistics Norway Oslo. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from national NACE-related classification system to ISIC (Revision 3). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Papua New Guinea (Scope:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Data Supplier:National Statistical Office Port Moresby. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Philippines (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Statistics Office Manila. / Method of data collection:The inquiry is carried out through personal visits of field enumerators.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Poland (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Data Supplier:Central Statistical Office of Poland Warsaw. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Annual surveys; business register. / Scope:All enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Portugal (Method of data collection:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual surveys; administrative data. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to the national classification system that is compatible with NACE (Revision 1). / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Scope:All enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:National Institute of Statistics Lisbon. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Qatar (Source:Annual industrial survey. / Concepts and definitions:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration for large establishments; sample survey for small establishments. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Special note:Data were derived from the publications 'Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries (sixth and seventh issues)' published by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO). / Method of data collection:Questionnaires are distributed by mail and collected by field enumerators. / Data Supplier:Qatar Statistics Authority Doha. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Annual industrial survey Bulletin of Industry and Energy Statistics Qatar in figures. / Scope:All establishments.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Republic of Moldova (Related national publications:None reported. / Data Supplier:National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Chisinau.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Romania (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Data prior to 2003 were provided by the National Accounts Unit. Beginning in 2003 data were provided by the Business Register and by Structural Business Survey.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Russian Federation (Method of data collection:Mail and e-mail questionnaires. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration for large and medium enterprises; sample survey for small enterprises. / Deviations from ISIC:Data originally classified according to OKVED were harmonized with NACE Rev.1.1. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Scope:All registered enterprises. / Data Supplier:Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) Moscow. / Related national publications:Monthly reports "Social and economic situation in Russia" published by Rosstat Moscow. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Source:Survey on registered establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Saudi Arabia (Special note:Data were derived from the publications 'Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries (sixth and seventh issues)' published by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Survey. / Data Supplier:Central Department of Statistics and Information Ministry of Economy and Planning Ministry of Trade and Industry Riyadh. / Reference Period:Fiscal year. / Scope:Survey covers only factories licensed under the National industries protection and encouragement law and the capital investment law. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified according to ISIC (Revision 2). / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Senegal (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Slovakia (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified in the National Branch of Economic Activities (OKEC) which was compatible with NACE (Revision 1) . / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Bratislava. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Slovenia (Data Supplier:Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Related national publications:Structural Business Statistics published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana. / Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in ISIC (Revision 3) were originally collected according to the national classification system. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Annual census/ exhaustive survey; administrative source.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: South Africa (Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Concepts and definitions:No deviation from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Spain (Related national publications:Encuesta Industrial Anual de Empresas published by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (I.N.E.) Madrid. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:The original system used was the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE 1993). This classification is equivalent at the 4-digit level to NACE (Revision 1) and aligns with ISIC (Revision 3). / Scope:All enterprises. / Source:Annual industrial survey; business register. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estadística (I.N.E.) Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda Madrid. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Sri Lanka (Data Supplier:Department of Census and Statistics Colombo. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: State of Palestine (Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Ramallah. / Source:Survey. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Scope:All privately-owned enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Suriname (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Stichting Algemeen Bureau voor de Statistiek (General Bureau of Statistics) Paramaribo. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Source:Survey. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Sweden (Data Supplier:Statistics Sweden Stockholm. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Syrian Arab Republic (Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Damascus. / Method of data collection:Mail questionnaire for public sector; direct interview in the field for private sector. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration; sample survey. / Source:Administrative source. / Scope:All reported establishments. / Reference Period:Fiscal year. / Adjusted for non-response:No. (Response rate for public sector: 100% for private sector 80%))
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Tajikistan (Scope:Not reported. / Related national publications:Industry of Tajikistan published by the Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Source:Survey on registered enterprises; administrative sources. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 95%). / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:None reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Online survey (self entry). / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Scope:All registered enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Source:Not reported. / Data Supplier:Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Tunisia (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Türkiye (Reference Period:Calendar year. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Data Supplier:State Institute of Statistics Ankara. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Turkmenistan (Scope:Not reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Source:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Related national publications:None reported. / Data Supplier:National Institute of Statistics Ashgabat. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Ukraine (Method of data collection:Mail and e-mail questionnaires. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration for medium and large enterprises; sample survey for small enterprises. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Scope:All registered enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Data Supplier:State Statistics Service of Ukraine Kyiv. / Source:Census; sample survey. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: United Kingdom (Deviations from ISIC:Data presented in accordance with ISIC (Revision 3) were originally classified in the Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities 1992 (SIC92) which was compatible with NACE (Revision 1). / Related national publications:Labour Market Trends published by National Statistics London. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Annual business inquiry; business register. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: United Republic of Tanzania (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: United States of America (Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Questionnaires and administrative source. / Type of enumeration:Economic Census (years ending in 2 and 7): a. complete enumeration for large-/ medium-size firms and all multi-establishment firms; b. sampling method for small employers (those with paid employees) and single-establishment firms with payroll below a specified cut off; c. data from existing administrative records of other federal agencies are used for very small firms; Annual Survey of Manufactures (years between the Census): sample survey. / Data Supplier:Census Bureau U.S. Department of Commerce Washington D.C. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Source:Census; annual survey; administrative data. / Reference Period:Calendar year.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Viet Nam (Method of data collection:Mail questionnaires; direct interview in the field. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Related national publications:Statistical Yearbook of Viet Nam published by the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam Hanoi. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Reference Period:Fiscal year. / Source:Survey. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Data Supplier:General Statistics Office of Viet Nam Hanoi.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Yemen (Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration; sample survey. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Source:Industrial survey. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Zimbabwe (Source:Annual census of industrial production. / Related national publications:The Census of Industrial Production (annual); published by Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency Harare. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Afghanistan (Data Supplier:Central Statistic Organization Kabul. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires. / Related national publications:None reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Administrative source. / Scope:All registered establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Albania (Scope:All registered enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Algeria (Method of data collection:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Angola (Related national publications:Folha de Informação Rápida sobre Índice de produção Industrial published by Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Scope:All establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Source:Quarterly survey of industry. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 80%). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Argentina (Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística y Censos (INDEC) Buenos Aires. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Armenia (Data Supplier:National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia Yerevan. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Aruba (Concepts and definitions:Number of employees refers to the number of full-time equivalent jobs which measure total days worked (excluding holidays vacations weekends sick leave etc.) divided by average annual days worked in full-time jobs. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:Enterprises in Aruba published by Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Australia (Reference Period:Fiscal year ending 30 June of the year indicated. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been compiled on the basis of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). This classification is not fully compatible with ISIC (Revision 3) especially at a high level of disaggregation. / Related national publications:Mining Operations Australia published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Canberra.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Employees / Reporting Country: Austria (Reference Period:Calendar year; however data given for a financial year are accepted and incorporated into the calendar year in which the financial year ends. / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been converted from national NACE-related classification system (ÖNACE) to ISIC (Revision 3). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Related national publications:Structural Business Statistics Statistical Yearbook of Austria both published by Statistics Austria Vienna. / Special note:Data before 1995 are not strictly comparable with those provided for later years. / Data Supplier:Statistics Austria Vienna. Industrial statistics for the OECD countries are compiled by the OECD secretariat which supplies them to UNIDO. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Source:Annual survey; secondary statistics data; administrative data; business register.)
(Unit: numeric)