methods, notes and classification Gross saving methods, notes and classification

Gross saving (ESA 1995, 8.96) measures the portion of gross national disposable income that is not used for final consumption expenditure. If calculated taking into account the consumption of fixed capital, the result will be Net saving. Values are seasonally adjusted (SA). The ESA 95 (European System of Accounts) regulation may be referred to for more specific explanations on methodology.

    • Seasonal adjustment
      • 0 Seasonally and calendar adjusted data
    • Direction of flow
      • 0 Received
    • Sector
      • 00 Total economy
    • National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
      • 00 Saving, gross
    • Unit of measure
      • 00 Million euro (SCA)
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 000 Belgium
      • 001 Bulgaria
      • 002 Czechia
      • 003 Denmark
      • 004 Germany
      • 005 Estonia
      • 006 Ireland
      • 007 Greece
      • 008 Spain
      • 009 France
      • 00a Croatia
      • 00b Cyprus
      • 00c Latvia
      • 00d Lithuania
      • 00e Luxembourg
      • 00f Hungary
      • 00g Malta
      • 00h Netherlands
      • 00i Austria
      • 00j Poland
      • 00k Portugal
      • 00l Slovenia
      • 00m Slovakia
      • 00n Finland
      • 00o Sweden
      • 00p Norway