Average hours worked per employee, by working time, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS survey 2004

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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Description Direct Link
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / Agriculture, hunting and forestry / Hours per employee / Közép-Magyarország
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / Agriculture, hunting and forestry / Hours per employee / Dunántúl
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / Agriculture, hunting and forestry / Hours per employee / Alföld és Észak
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / All NACE activities (except agriculture; fishing; public administration; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Hours per employee / Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / All NACE activities (except agriculture; fishing; public administration; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Hours per employee / Vlaams Gewest
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / All NACE activities (except agriculture; fishing; public administration; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Hours per employee / Région wallonne
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / All NACE activities (except agriculture; fishing; public administration; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Hours per employee / Baden-Württemberg
(Unit: HR_SAL)
10 employees or more / Total / Average annual hours actually worked per apprentice / All NACE activities (except agriculture; fishing; public administration; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations) / Hours per employee / Bayern
(Unit: HR_SAL)