ICT and environment by size class of enterprise

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Enterprises applying some measures, affecting the amount of paper used for printing and copying / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Enterprises applying no measures, affecting the amount of paper used for printing and copying / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Enterprises applying some measures, affecting the energy consumption of the ICT equipment / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Enterprises applying no measures, affecting the energy consumption of the ICT equipment / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Enterprises applying some measures, affecting the paper or energy consumption of the ICT equipment / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / The enterprises considered the environmental impact of ICT services, or ICT equipment, before selecting them / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / The enterprises did not consider the environmental impact of ICT services, or ICT equipment, before selecting them / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / The enterprises considered the environmental impact of ICT services, or ICT equipment, before selecting them and applying some measures, affecting the paper or energy consumption of the ICT equipment / Percentage of enterprises / France
(Unit: PC_ENT)