Use of computers and the internet by employees by size class of enterprise

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / Germany
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / France
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / Portugal
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / Slovakia
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / Sweden
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of persons employed using a computer / Slovakia
From 0 to 1 person employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed using computers / Percentage of total employment / Slovakia
(Unit: PC_EMP)
From 0 to 9 persons employed / All activities, without financial sector / Persons employed have access to the internet for business purposes / Percentage of total employment / Germany
(Unit: PC_EMP)