methods, notes and classification Banking Structural Statistical Indicators methods, notes and classification

    • Area (ref_area)
      • 00 Austria
      • 01 Belgium
      • 02 Bulgaria
      • 03 Cyprus
      • 04 Czech Republic
      • 05 EU (changing composition)
      • 06 Germany
      • 07 Denmark
      • 08 Estonia
      • 09 Spain
      • 0a Finland
      • 0b France
      • 0c United Kingdom
      • 0d Greece
      • 0e Croatia
      • 0f Hungary
      • 0g Ireland
      • 0h Italy
      • 0i Lithuania
      • 0j Luxembourg
      • 0k Latvia
      • 0l Malta
      • 0m Netherlands
      • 0n Poland
      • 0o Portugal
      • 0p Romania
      • 0q Sweden
      • 0r Slovenia
      • 0s Slovakia
      • 0t Euro area (changing composition)
    • Sector, ESA95, securities issues/payment compilation linked
      • 00 Credit Institutions (as defined in the Community Law)
      • 01 Insurance corporations
      • 02 Pension funds
    • Structural statistical indicators
      • 0 Herfindahl index for Credit institutions (CIs) total assets
      • 1 Herfindahl index for total credit
      • 2 Number of branches
      • 3 Number of subsidiaries
      • 4 Number of employees
      • 5 Number of offices
      • 6 Shares of the 5 largest CIs in total assets (CR5)
      • 7 Total assets
      • 8 Total assets of branches of CIs
      • 9 Total assets of subsidiaries of CIs
    • MB type of data, flow & position
      • 00 Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
      • 01 Not specified
    • Area (count_area)
      • 00 World (all entities)
      • 01 Other EU member states (all countries except the reference area)
      • 02 Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area)
      • 03 Domestic (home or reference area)
      • 04 All areas other than EU and ref./home area
    • Currency
      • 00 All currencies combined
      • 01 Not applicable
    • Denom. of series or special calc.
      • 0 Euro
      • 1 National currency
      • 2 Not applicable