methods, notes and classification DSI's Global Environmental Database methods, notes and classification

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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...XXXX..   Indicator
    3   ...... XX   Unit

SUB-CODE  1 : Country

	  AFR Africa
          AAR Antarctic
	  APE Arabian Peninsula
	  ARC Arctic
	  APA Asia + Pacific
	  ANZ Australia + New Zealand
	  CAR Caribbean
	  CAC Central Africa
	  CAS Central Asia
	  CEU Central Europe
	  EAF Eastern Africa
	  EEU Eastern Europe
	  EUR Europe
          EUU European Union
	  EUA Euro Area
	  LAC Latin America + Caribbean
	  MAS Mashriq
	  MAM Meso America
	  NAC North America
	  NAF Northern Africa
	  PEA NW Pacific + East Asia
	  PLR Polar
	  SAM South America
	  SAS South Asia
	  SEA South East Asia
	  SPA South Pacific
	  SAF Southern Africa
	  WAS West Asia
	  WAF Western Africa
	  WEU Western Europe
	  WIO Western Indian Ocean
	  WOR World
	  NCO Northern Cone
	  SCO Southern Cone

	  AFG Afghanistan
	  ALB Albania
	  DZA Algeria
	  ASM American Samoa (US)
	  AND Andorra
	  AGO Angola
	  AIA Anguilla (UK)
	  ATA Antarctic
	  ATG Antigua and Barbuda
	  ARG Argentina
	  ARM Armenia
	  ABW Aruba (NL)
	  AUS Australia
	  AUT Austria
	  AZE Azerbaijan
	  BHS Bahamas
	  BHR Bahrain
	  BGD Bangladesh
	  BRB Barbados
	  BLR Belarus
	  BEL Belgium
	  BLZ Belize
	  BEN Benin
	  BMU Bermuda (UK)
          BTN Bhutan
          BOL Bolivia
          BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
	  BWA Botswana
          BVT Bouvet Island
	  BRA Brazil
	  IOT British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago ) (UK)
	  VGB British Virgin Islands (UK)
	  BRN Brunei Darussalam
	  BGR Bulgaria
	  BFA Burkina Faso
	  BDI Burundi
	  KHM Cambodia
	  CMR Cameroon
	  CAN Canada
	  CPV Cape Verde
	  CYM Cayman Islands (UK)
	  CAF Central African Republic
	  TCD Chad
	  CHL Chile
	  CHN China
	  CXR Christmas Islands (AU)
	  CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AU)
	  COL Colombia
	  COM Comoros
	  COG Congo
	  COD Congo, Dem. Rep. Of
	  COK Cook Islands (NZ)
	  CRI Costa Rica
	  CIV Cote d'Ivoire
	  HRV Croatia
	  CUB Cuba
	  CYP Cyprus
	  CZE Czech Republic
	  PRK Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) (North)
	  DNK Denmark
          DJI Djibouti
          DMA Dominica
          DOM Dominican Republic
          ECU Ecuador
	  EGY Egypt
	  SLV El Salvador
	  GNQ Equatorial Guinea
	  ERI Eritrea
	  EST Estonia
	  ETH Ethiopia
	  FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (UK)
	  FRO Faroe Islands (DK)
	  FJI Fiji
	  FIN Finland
	  FRA France
	  GUF French Guiana
	  PYF French Polynesia (FR)
	  ATF French Southern and Antarctic Territories
	  GAB Gabon
	  GMB Gambia
	  GEO Georgia
	  DEU Germany
	  GHA Ghana
	  GIB Gibraltar (UK)
	  GRC Greece
	  GRL Greenland (DK)
	  GRD Grenada
	  GLP Guadeloupe (FR)
	  GUM Guam (US)
	  GTM Guatemala
          GBG Guernsey
          GGY Guernsey
	  GIN Guinea
	  GNB Guinea-Bissau
	  GUY Guyana
	  HTI Haiti
          HMD Heard Island & McDonald Islands
	  VAT Holy See
	  HND Honduras
          HKG Hong Kong
	  HUN Hungary
	  ISL Iceland
	  IND India
	  IDN Indonesia
	  IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of)
	  IRQ Iraq
	  IRL Ireland
	  IMY Isle of Man (UK)
	  ISR Israel
	  ITA Italy
	  JAM Jamaica
	  JPN Japan
          GBJ Jersey
          JEY Jersey
	  JOR Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
	  KAZ Kazakhstan
	  KEN Kenya
	  KIR Kiribati
	  KOR Korea
          KSV Kosovo
	  KWT Kuwait
	  KGZ Kyrgyzstan
	  LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
	  LVA Latvia
	  LBN Lebanon
	  LSO Lesotho
          LBR Liberia
	  LBY Libyan (Arab Jamahiriya)
	  LIE Liechtenstein
	  LTU Lithuania
	  LUX Luxembourg
	  MAC Macau, China
	  MKD Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
	  MDG Madagascar
	  MWI Malawi
	  MYS Malaysia
	  MDV Maldives
	  MLI Mali
	  MLT Malta
	  MHL Marshall Islands (US)
	  MTQ Martinique (FR)
	  MRT Mauritania
	  MUS Mauritius
	  MYT Mayotte (FR)
	  MEX Mexico
	  FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
	  MDA Moldova
	  MCO Monaco
	  MNG Mongolia
	  MNE Montenegro
	  MSR Montserrat (UK)
	  MAR Morocco
	  MOZ Mozambique
	  MMR Myanmar
	  NAM Namibia
	  NRU Nauru
	  NPL Nepal
	  NLD Netherlands
	  ANT Netherland Antilles (NL)
	  NCL New Caledonia (FR)
	  NZL New Zealand
	  NIC Nicaragua
	  NER Niger
	  NGA Nigeria
	  NIU Niue (NZ)
	  NFK Norfolk Island (AU)
	  MNP Northern Mariana Islands (US)
	  NOR Norway
	  PSE Palestinian Authority
	  OMN Oman
	  PAK Pakistan
	  PLW Palau (US)
	  PAN Panama
	  PNG Papua New Guinea
	  PRY Paraguay
	  PER Peru
	  PHL Philippines
	  PCN Pitcairn (UK)
	  POL Poland
	  PRT Portugal
	  PRI Puerto Rico (US)
	  QAT Qatar
	  REU Reunion (FR)
	  ROU Romania
	  RUS Russia
	  RWA Rwanda
	  SHN St. Helena (UK)
	  KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
	  LCA Saint Lucia
	  SPM St. Pierre and Miquelon (FR)
	  VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
	  WSM Samoa
	  SMR San Marino
	  STP Sao Tome and Principe
	  SAU Saudi Arabia
	  SEN Senegal
	  SRB Serbia
	  SYC Seychelles
	  SLE Sierra Leone
	  SGP Singapore
	  SVK Slovakia
	  SVN Slovenia
	  SLB Solomon Islands
	  SOM Somalia
	  ZAF South Africa
	  SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
	  ESP Spain
	  LKA Sri Lanka
	  SSD South Sudan
	  SDN Sudan
	  SUR Suriname
	  SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen (NO)
	  SWZ Swaziland
	  SWE Sweden
	  CHE Switzerland
	  SYR Syrian Arab Republic
	  TWN Taiwan
	  TJK Tajikistan
	  TZA Tanzania
	  THA Thailand
	  TLS Timor-Leste
	  TGO Togo
	  TKL Tokelau (NZ)
	  TON Tonga
	  TTO Trinidad and Tobago
	  TUN Tunisia
	  TUR Turkey
	  TKM Turkmenistan
	  TCA Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)
	  TUV Tuvalu
	  UGA Uganda
	  UKR Ukraine
	  ARE United Arab Emirates
	  GBR United Kingdom
	  USA United States of America
	  URY Uruguay
	  UZB Uzbekistan
	  VUT Vanuatu
	  VEN Venezuela
	  VNM Viet Nam
	  VIR Virgin Islands of the United States (US)
	  WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR)
	  ESH Western Sahara
	  YEM Yemen (Republic of)
	  YUG Serbia and Montenegro
	  ZMB Zambia
	  ZWE Zimbabwe

SUB-CODE  2 : Indicator

   elementary resources

	       A45  average temperature (in °C)
	 CO2 concentration
	       A120 average CO2 concentration (""Keeling Curve"") (in ppm)

	     particulate matter
	       A121 particulate matter < 10ug (PM10) (in ug/m^3)

	   emissions from fuel combustion
	       A10  CO2  total coal carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in 1000 t)
	       A11  CH4  total coal methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A12  N2O  total coal nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A13  NOX  total coal nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A14  CO  total coal carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A15  NMVOC  total coal non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A16  SO2  total coal sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)

	     natural gas
	       A17  CO2  total natural gas carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in 1000 t)
	       A18  CH4  total natural gas methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A19  N2O  total natural gas nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A20  NOX  total natural gas nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A21  CO  total natural gas carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A22  NMVOC  total natural gas non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)

	       A24  CO2  total oil carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A25  CH4  total oil methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A26  N2O  total oil nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A27  NOX  total oil nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A28  CO  total oil carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A29  NMVOC  total oil non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A30  SO2  total oil sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)

	       A31  CO2  total charcoal carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A32  CH4  total charcoal methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A33  N2O  total charcoal nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A34  NOX  total charcoal nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A35  CO  total charcoal carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A36  NMVOC  total charcoal non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A37  SO2  total charcoal sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)

	     biomass, wood, wastes
	       A38  CO2  total biomass, wood, wastes carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A39  CH4  total biomass, wood, wastes methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A40  N2O  total biomass, wood, wastes nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A41  NOX  total biomass, wood, wastes nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A42  CO  total biomass, wood, wastes carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A43  NMVOC  total biomass, wood, wastes non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
	       A44  SO2  total biomass, wood, wastes sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)

	   emissions from fuel combustion by sector
	     energy sector
	       A64  CO2  energy industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A65  CH4  energy industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A66  N2O  energy industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A67  NOX  energy industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A68  CO  energy industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A69  NMVOC  energy industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A70  SO2  energy industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)

	     manufacturing sector
	       A71  CO2  manufacturing industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A72  CH4  manufacturing industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A73  N2O  manufacturing industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A74  NOX  manufacturing industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A75  CO  manufacturing industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A76  NMVOC  manufacturing industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A77  SO2  manufacturing industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)

	     transport sector
	       A78  CO2  transport industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A79  CH4  transport industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A80  N2O  transport industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A81  NOX  transport industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A82  CO  transport industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A83  NMVOC  transport industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A84  SO2  transport industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)

	     other sectors
	       A85  CO2  other sector: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A86  CH4  other sector: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A87  N2O  other sector: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A88  NOX  other sector: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A89  CO  other sector: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A90  NMVOC  other sector: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
	       A91  SO2  other sector: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)

               A50  CO2  total carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
               A51  CH4  total methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
               A52  N2O  total nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
               A53  NOX  total nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
               A54  CO  total carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
               A55  NMVOC  total non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
               A56  SO2  total sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)

	   emissions from fossil fuel combustion by sector
	     energy sector
	       A92  CO2 energy industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A93  CH4 energy industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A94  N2O energy industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A95  NOX energy industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A96  CO energy industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A97  NMVOC energy industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A98  SO2 energy industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)

	     manufacturing sector
	       A99  CO2  manufacturing industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A100 CH4  manufacturing industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A101 N2O  manufacturing industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A102 NOX  manufacturing industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A103 CO  manufacturing industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A104 NMVOC  manufacturing industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A105 SO2  manufacturing industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)

	     transport sector
	       A106 CO2  transport industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A107 CH4  transport industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A108 N2O  transport industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A109 NOX  transport industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A110 CO  transport industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A111 NMVOC  transport industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions fossil from fuel combustion (t)
	       A112 SO2  transport industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)

	     other sectors
	       A113 CO2  other sector: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A114 CH4  other sector: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A115 N2O  other sector: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A116 NOX  other sector: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A117 CO  other sector: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A118 NMVOC  other sector: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A119 SO2  other sector: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)

	     total fossil fuels
	       A57  CO2  total carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
	       A58  CH4  total methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A59  N2O  total nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A60  NOX  total nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A61  CO  total carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A62  NMVOC  total non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
	       A63  SO2  total sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)

       fresh water

               A48 average precipitation in depth (in mm/yr)
               A49 average precipitation in volume (10^9 m^3/yr)

	 irrigation/ drainage
	   drained area
               Q141 Area equipped for irrigation drained (in 1000 ha)
               Q142 Non-irrigated cultivated area drained (in 1000 ha)
               Q143 Total cultivated area drained (in 1000 ha)
               Q144 % of area equipped for irrigation drained (in %)
               Q145 % of total cultivated area drained (in %)
           area equipped
               Q65  Irrigation potential (in 1000 ha)
               Q66  Area equipped for full control irrigation: surface irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               Q67  Area equipped for full control irrigation: sprinkler irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               Q68  Area equipped for full control irrigation: localized irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               Q69  Area equipped for full control irrigation: total (in 1000 ha)
               Q70  Area equipped for full control irrigation: actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
               Q71  % of area equipped for full control irrigation actually irrigated (in %)
               Q72  Area equipped for irrigation: equipped lowland areas (in 1000 ha)
               Q73  Area equipped for irrigation: spate irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               Q74  Area equipped for irrigation: total (in 1000 ha)
               Q76  % of the area equipped for irrigation actually irrigated (in %)
               Q77  % of the cultivated area equipped for irrigation (in %)
               Q78  % of irrigation potential equipped for irrigation (in %)
               Q79  Flood recession cropping area non-equipped (in 1000 ha)
               Q80  Cultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms non-equipped (in 1000 ha)
               Q81  Total agricultural water managed area (in 1000 ha)
               Q82  % of agricultural water managed area equipped for irrigation (in %)
               Q83  Area equipped for irrigation by surface water (in 1000 ha)
               Q84  Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (in 1000 ha)
               Q85  Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (in 1000 ha)
               Q86  Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of  treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
               Q87  Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
               Q88  Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of agricultural drainage water (in 1000 ha)
               Q89  % of area equipped for irrigation by surface water (in %)
               Q90  % of area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (in  %)
               Q91  % of area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (in %)
               Q92  % of area equipped for irrigation by direct use of  treated municipal wastewater (in %)
               Q93  % of area equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewater (in %)
               Q95  Area equipped for power irrigation (surface water or groundwater) (in 1000 ha)
               Q96  % of area equipped for irrigation power irrigated (in %)
           area harvested
             Harvested irrigated temporary crop area
               Q98  Total (in 1000 ha)
               Q102 Wheat (in 1000 ha)
               Q103 Rice (in 1000 ha)
               Q104 Barley (in 1000 ha)
               Q105 Maize (in 1000 ha)
               Q106 Millet (in 1000 ha)
               Q107 Sorghum (in 1000 ha)
               Q108 Other cereals (in 1000 ha)
               Q109 Vegetables (in 1000 ha)
               Q110 Soybeans (in 1000 ha)
               Q111 Groundnuts (in 1000 ha)
               Q112 Sesame (in 1000 ha)
               Q113 Sunflower (in 1000 ha)
               Q114 Potatoes (in 1000 ha)
               Q115 Sweet potatoes (in 1000 ha)
               Q116 Cassava (in 1000 ha)
               Q117 Other roots and tubers (in 1000 ha)
               Q118 Leguminous crops (in 1000 ha)
               Q119 Sugar beet (in 1000 ha)
               Q120 Sugarcane (in 1000 ha)
               Q121 Fodder (in 1000 ha)
               Q122 Cotton (in 1000 ha)
               Q123 Flowers (in 1000 ha)
               Q124 Tobacco (in 1000 ha)
               Q125 Other crops (in 1000 ha)
             Harvested irrigated permanent crop area
               Q99  Total (in 1000 ha)
               Q127 Bananas (in 1000 ha)
               Q128 Citrus (in 1000 ha)
               Q129 Grapes (in 1000 ha)
               Q130 Other fruits (in 1000 ha)
               Q131 Coconuts (in 1000 ha)
               Q132 Olives (in 1000 ha)
               Q133 Oil palm (in 1000 ha)
               Q134 Coffee (in 1000 ha)
               Q135 Tea (in 1000 ha)
               Q136 Cocoa beans (in 1000 ha)
               Q137 Grass and Fodder (in 1000 ha)
               Q138 Rubber (in 1000 ha)
               Q139 Other crops (in 1000 ha)
               Q97  Total harvested irrigated crop area (full control irrigation) (in 1000 ha)
               Q100 Permanent meadows and pastures irrigated (in 1000 ha)
               Q101 Irrigated cropping intensity (in %)
               Q140 % of total grain production irrigated (in %)

         surface water
               Q1   Surface water produced internally (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q6   entering the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q7   inflow not submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q8   inflow submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q9   inflow secured through treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q10  total flow of border rivers (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q11  accounted flow of border rivers (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q12  accounted inflow (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q13  leaving the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q14  outflow not submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q15  outflow submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q16  outflow secured through treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q17  total external renewable (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

               Q4   Total internal renewable water resources (IRWR)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q5   Total internal renewable water resources per capita   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q22  Water resources: total external renewable   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q23  Total renewable surface water   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q24  Total renewable groundwater   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q25  Total renewable water resources   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q26  Dependency ratio   (in %)
               Q27  Total renewable water resources per capita   (in m^3/inhab/year)
               Q28  Exploitable: regular renewable surface water   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q29  Exploitable: irregular renewable surface water   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q30  Exploitable: total renewable surface water   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q31  Exploitable: regular renewable groundwater   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

               Q2   Groundwater produced internally   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q18  Groundwater: entering the country (total)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q19  Groundwater: accounted inflow   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q20  Groundwater: leaving the country (total)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q21  Groundwater: accounted outflow   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

               Q3   Overlap between surface water and groundwater   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

         dam capacity
               Q32  Total exploitable water resources   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q33  Total dam capacity   (in km^3)

	       A48  average precipitation in depth (in mm/yr)
	       A49  average precipitation in volume (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

               Q34  Dam capacity per capita   (in m^3/inhab)
               Q35  Agricultural water withdrawal   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q36  Industrial water withdrawal   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q37  Municipal water withdrawal   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q38  Total water withdrawal   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q39  Irrigation water withdrawal   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q40  Irrigation water requirement   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q41  Agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal   (in %)
               Q42  Industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal   (in %)
               Q43  Municipal water withdrawal as % of total withdrawal   (in %)
               Q44  Total water withdrawal per capita   (in m^3/inhab/year)
               Q45  Fresh surface water withdrawal (primary and secondary)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q46  Fresh groundwater withdrawal (primary and secondary)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q47  Total freshwater withdrawal (primary and secondary)   (in 10^9 m^3/yr)

       waste water
               Q48  Desalinated water produced (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q49  Direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q50  Direct use of agricultural drainage water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q51  Produced municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q52  Collected municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q53  Treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q54  Number of municipal wastewater treatment facilities (-)  number)
               Q55  Capacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q56  Not treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q57  Treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q58  Not treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q59  Direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q60  Direct use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q61  Direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
               Q62  Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
               Q63  Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
               Q64  Freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources (in %)

     terrestrial/ soil
       land use
	     area (in 1000 ha)
               S12  total area (in 1000 ha)
               G1   Country area (in 1000 ha)
               G2   Land area (in 1000 ha)
               G3   Agriculture (in 1000 ha)
               G4   Agricultural land (in 1000 ha)
               G5   Cropland (in 1000 ha)
               G6   Arable land (in 1000 ha)
               G7   Land under temporary crops (in 1000 ha)
               G8   Land with temporary fallow (in 1000 ha)
               G9   Land under permanent crops (in 1000 ha)
               G10  Land under perm. meadows and pastures (in 1000 ha)
               G11  Perm. meadows & pastures - Nat. growing (in 1000 ha)
               G12  Forestry (in 1000 ha)
               G13  Forest land (in 1000 ha)
               G14  Forest land  Carbon stock in living biomass          million tonnes
               G15  Primary Forest (in 1000 ha)
               G16  Other naturally regenerated forest (in 1000 ha)
               G17  Planted Forest (in 1000 ha)
               G18  Other land (in 1000 ha)
               G19  Land area equipped for irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               G20  Agriculture area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
               G21  Agriculture area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
               G22  Agriculture area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
               G23  Land under temp. meadows and pastures (in 1000 ha)
               G24  Inland waters (in 1000 ha)
               G25  Coastal waters (in 1000 ha)
               G26  Cropland area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
               G27  Cropland area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
               G28  Cropland area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
               G29  Perm. meadows & pastures - Cultivated (in 1000 ha)
               G30  Land used for aquaculture (in 1000 ha)
               G31  Perm. meadows & pastures area actually irrig. (in 1000 ha)
               G32  Land under protective cover (in 1000 ha)
               G33  Perm. meadows & pastures area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
               G34  Land area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
               G35  Cropland area under conventional tillage (in 1000 ha)
               G36  Cropland area under conservation tillage (in 1000 ha)
               G37  Cropland area under zero or no tillage (in 1000 ha)
               G38  Farm buildings & farmyards (in 1000 ha)
               G39  Perm. meadows & pastures area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
               G40  Inland waters used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
               G41  Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (in 1000 ha)
               G42  Coastal waters used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
               G43  Coastal waters used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
               G44  EEZ used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
               G45  Inland waters used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
               G46  EEZ used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
	     parks and protected area (in 1000 ha)
               S3   parks and protected areas - terrestric and marine (territorial waters up to 12 nautical miles) (in 1000 ha)
               S3A  parks and protected areas - terrestric (in 1000 ha)
               S3B  parks and protected areas - marine (territorial waters up to 12 nautical miles) (in 1000 ha)

       fertilization (t)
			Nutrient nitrogen N (total)
               TN1  Production (in t of nutrients)
               TN2  Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN3  Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN4  Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)
            Nutrient phosphate P2O5 (total)
               TN5  Production (in t of nutrients)
               TN6  Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN7  Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN8  Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)
            Nutrient potash K2O (total)
               TN9  Production (in t of nutrients)
               TN10 Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN11 Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
               TN12 Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)

            Ammonia, anhydrous
               T63  Production (in t)
               T1   Import Quantity (in t)
               T2   Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T110 Export Quantity (in t)
               T111 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T112 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Ammonium nitrate (AN)
               T64  Production (in t)
               T3   Import Quantity (in t)
               T4   Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T65  Export Quantity (in t)
               T66  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T67  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Ammonium sulphate
               T68  Production (in t)
               T5   Import Quantity (in t)
               T6   Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T121 Export Quantity (in t)
               T122 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T69  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and other mixtures with calcium carbonate
               T70  Production (in t)
               T7   Import Quantity (in t)
               T8   Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T9   Export Quantity (in t)
               T10  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T71  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
               T11  Production (in t)
               T12  Import Quantity (in t)
               T13  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T72  Export Quantity (in t)
               T73  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T74  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Fertilizers n.e.c.
               T75  Production (in t)
               T14  Import Quantity (in t)
               T15  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T16  Export Quantity (in t)
               T17  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T132 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Monoammonium phosphate (MAP)
               T76  Production (in t)
               T18  Import Quantity (in t)
               T19  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T20  Export Quantity (in t)
               T21  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T77  Agricultural Use (in t)
            NPK fertilizers
               T78  Production (in t)
               T22  Import Quantity (in t)
               T23  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T24  Export Quantity (in t)
               T25  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T26  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Other nitrogenous fertilizers, n.e.c.
               T79  Production (in t)
               T27  Import Quantity (in t)
               T28  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T29  Export Quantity (in t)
               T30  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T127 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Other NK compounds
               T80  Production (in t)
               T133 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Other NP compounds
               T81  Production (in t)
               T82  Export Quantity (in t)
               T83  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T31  Import Quantity (in t)
               T32  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T84  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Other phosphatic fertilizers, n.e.c.
               T85  Production (in t)
               T86  Export Quantity (in t)
               T87  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T33  Import Quantity (in t)
               T34  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T128 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Other potassic fertilizers, n.e.c.
               T88  Production (in t)
               T89  Export Quantity (in t)
               T90  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T35  Import Quantity (in t)
               T36  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T129 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Phosphate rock
               T91  Production (in t)
               T37  Import Quantity (in t)
               T38  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T39  Export Quantity (in t)
               T40  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T113 Agricultural Use (in t)
            PK compounds
               T92  Production (in t)
               T93  Export Quantity (in t)
               T94  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T41  Import Quantity (in t)
               T42  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T95  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Potassium chloride (muriate of potash) (MOP)
               T96  Production (in t)
               T43  Import Quantity (in t)
               T44  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T114 Export Quantity (in t)
               T115 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T97  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Potassium nitrate
               T98  Production (in t)
               T45  Import Quantity (in t)
               T46  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T123 Export Quantity (in t)
               T124 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T99  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash) (SOP)
               T100 Production (in t)
               T47  Import Quantity (in t)
               T48  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T49  Export Quantity (in t)
               T50  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T101 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Sodium nitrate
               T102 Production (in t)
               T51  Import Quantity (in t)
               T52  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T125 Export Quantity (in t)
               T126 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T134 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Superphosphates above 35%
               T103 Production (in t)
               T104 Export Quantity (in t)
               T105 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T53  Import Quantity (in t)
               T54  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T106 Agricultural Use (in t)
            Superphosphates, other
               T107 Production (in t)
               T116 Import Quantity (in t)
               T117 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T130 Export Quantity (in t)
               T131 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T108 Agricultural Use (in t)
               T55  Production (in t)
               T56  Import Quantity (in t)
               T57  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T58  Export Quantity (in t)
               T59  Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T60  Agricultural Use (in t)
            Urea and ammonium nitrate solutions (UAN)
               T109 Production (in t)
               T61  Import Quantity (in t)
               T62  Import Value (in 1000 US$)
               T118 Export Quantity (in t)
               T119 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
               T120 Agricultural Use (in t)

               S16  area salinized by irrigation (in 1000 ha)
               S25  salinized part of area equipped for full control irrigation (in %)

       agricultural use (in t of active ingredients)
               D1   Pesticides (total) (in t)
               D45  Disinfectants (in t)
               D2   Insecticides (in t)
               D29  Insecticides û Botanical products and biologicals (in t)
               D3   Insecticides û Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (in t)
               D4   Insecticides û Organo-phosphates (in t)
               D5   Insecticides û Carbamates (in t)
               D6   Insecticides û Pyrethroids (in t)
               D7   Insecticides û Other (in t)
               D8   Herbicides (in t)
               D11  Herbicides û Amides (in t)
               D15  Herbicides û Bipiridils (in t)
               D12  Herbicides û Carbamates (in t)
               D13  Herbicides û Dinitroanilines (in t)
               D9   Herbicides û Phenoxy hormone products (in t)
               D14  Herbicides û Sulfonyl ureas (in t)
               D10  Herbicides û Triazines (in t)
               D30  Herbicides û Urea derivates (in t)
               D31  Herbicides û Uracil (in t)
               D16  Herbicides û Other (in t)
               D17  Fungicides and Bactericides (in t)
               D33  Fungicides û Seed treatments (in t)
               D20  Fung & Bact û Benzimidazoles (in t)
               D32  Fung & Bact û Diazines, morpholines (in t)
               D19  Fung & Bact û Dithiocarbamates (in t)
               D18  Fung & Bact û Inorganics (in t)
               D21  Fung & Bact û Triazoles, diazoles (in t)
               D22  Fung & Bact û Other (in t)
               D23  Insecticides û Seed Treatments (in t)
               D24  Plant Growth Regulators (in t)
               D25  Rodenticides (in t)
               D26  Rodenticides û Anti-coagulants (in t)
               D44  Rodenticides û Cyanide Generators (in t)
               D47  Rodenticides û Hypercalcaemics (in t)
               D46  Rodenticides û Narcotics (in t)
               D27  Rodenticides û Other (in t)
               D42  Mineral Oils (in t)
               D28  Other Pesticides nes (in t)
               D35  Seed Treat Fung û Benzimidazoles (in t)
               D37  Seed Treat Fung û Botanical products and biologicals (in t)
               D34  Seed Treat Fung û Dithiocarbamates (in t)
               D36  Seed Treat Fung û Triazoles, diazoles (in t)
               D38  Seed Treat Fung û Other (in t)
               D39  Seed Treat Insect û Carbamates (in t)
               D40  Seed Treat Insect û Pyrethroids (in t)
               D43  Seed Treat Insect û Organo-phosphates (in t)
               D41  Seed Treat Insect û Other (in t)

   natural resources
       supply, livestock
          Animal fats
               P84  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P85  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P86  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P87  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P88  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P89  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Animal Products
               P90  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P91  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P92  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Aquatic Animals, Others
               P114 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P115 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P116 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P117 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P118 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P119 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Aquatic Plants
               P120 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P121 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P122 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P123 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P124 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P125 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Aquatic Products, Other
               P180 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P181 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P182 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P183 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P184 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P185 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Bovine Meat
               P1   Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P2   Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P3   Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P4   Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P5   Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P6   Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Butter, Ghee
               P7   Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P8   Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P9   Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P10  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P11  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P12  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P126 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P127 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P128 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P129 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P130 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P131 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P13  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P14  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P15  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P16  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P17  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P18  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P19  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P20  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P21  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P22  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P23  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P24  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P132 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P133 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P134 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P135 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P136 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P137 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Demersal Fish
               P138 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P139 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P140 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P141 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P142 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P143 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P25  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P26  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P27  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P28  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P29  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P30  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Fats, Animals, Raw
               P31  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P32  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P33  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P34  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P35  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P36  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Fish, Body Oil
               P144 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P145 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P146 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P147 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P148 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P149 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Fish, Liver Oil
               P150 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P151 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P152 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P153 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P154 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P155 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Fish, Seafood
               P93  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P94  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P95  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P96  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P97  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P98  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Freshwater Fish
               P37  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P38  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P39  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P40  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P41  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P42  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P43  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P44  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P45  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P46  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P47  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Marine Fish, Other
               P156 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P157 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P158 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P159 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P160 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P161 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P99  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P100 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P101 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P102 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P103 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P104 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Meat, Aquatic Mammals
               P192 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P193 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P194 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P195 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P196 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P197 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Meat Meal
               P198 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P199 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P200 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
          Meat, Other
               P48  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P49  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P50  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P51  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P52  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P53  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Milk - Excluding Butter
               P54  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P55  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P56  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P57  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P58  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P59  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Milk, Whole
               P60  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P61  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P62  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P63  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P64  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P65  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Molluscs, Other
               P162 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P163 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P164 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P165 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P166 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P167 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Mutton & Goat Meat
               P66  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P67  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P68  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P69  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P70  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P71  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P105 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P106 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P107 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P108 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P109 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P110 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Offals, Edible
               P72  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P73  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P74  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P75  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P76  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P77  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Pelagic Fish
               P168 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P169 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P170 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P171 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P172 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P173 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P174 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P175 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P176 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P177 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P178 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P179 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Poultry Meat
               P78  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P79  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P80  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P81  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P82  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P83  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P186 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               P187 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P188 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               P189 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P190 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P191 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          Grand Total
               P111 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               P112 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               P113 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)

       supply, crops
	      Apples and products
               O1   Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O2   Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O3   Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O4   Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O5   Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O6   Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Alcoholic Beverages
               O255 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O256 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O257 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O258 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O259 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O7   Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O8   Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O9   Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O10  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O11  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O12  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Barley and products
               O13  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O14  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O15  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O16  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O17  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O18  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O334 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O335 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O336 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O337 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O338 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O339 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O19  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O20  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O21  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O22  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O23  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Beverages, Alcoholic
               O24  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O25  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O26  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O27  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O514 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Beverages, Fermented
               O340 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O341 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O342 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O343 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O452 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Cassava and products
               O344 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O345 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O346 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O347 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O453 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O454 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Cereals - Excluding Beer
               O260 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O261 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O262 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O263 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O264 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O265 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Cereals, Other
               O28  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O29  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O30  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O31  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O32  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O33  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Citrus, Other
               O34  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O35  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O36  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O37  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O38  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O39  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O425 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O426 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O427 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O428 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O429 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O430 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Cocoa Beans and products
               O40  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O41  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O42  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O43  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O44  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O45  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Coconuts - Incl Copra
               O46  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O47  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O48  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O49  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O50  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O51  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Coconut Oil
               O431 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O432 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O433 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O434 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O479 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O435 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Coconut Oil
               O431 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O432 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O433 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O434 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O479 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O436 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Coffee and products
               O52  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O53  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O54  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O55  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O56  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Cottonseed Oil
               O57  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O58  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O59  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O60  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O481 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O61  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O62  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O63  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O64  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O65  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O66  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O67  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Fruits - Excluding Wine
               O266 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O267 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O268 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O269 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O270 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O271 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Fruits, Other
               O68  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O69  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O70  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O71  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O72  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O73  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Grapefruit and products
               O348 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O349 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O350 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O351 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O352 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O436 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Grapes and products (excl wine)
               O74  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O75  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O76  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O77  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O78  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O79  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Groundnuts (in Shell Eq)
               O353 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O354 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O355 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O356 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O357 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O358 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Groundnuts (Shelled Eq)
               O359 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O360 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O361 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O362 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O363 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O364 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Groundnut Oil
               O80  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O81  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O82  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O83  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O508 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O84  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Infant food
               O85  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O86  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O87  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O88  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O89  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O90  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Lemons, Limes and products
               O365 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O366 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O367 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O368 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O369 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O370 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Maize Germ Oil
               O371 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O372 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O373 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O374 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O482 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O375 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Maize and products
               O91  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O92  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O93  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O94  Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O95  Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O96  Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Millet and products
               O97  Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O98  Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O99  Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O100 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O101 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O102 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O272 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O273 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O274 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O103 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O104 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O105 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O523 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O524 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O525 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O526 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
	      Nuts and products
               O106 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O107 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O108 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O109 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O110 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O111 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O376 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O377 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O378 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O379 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O380 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O381 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O275 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O276 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O277 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O278 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O279 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O280 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Oilcrops, Other
               O461 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O462 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O463 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O437 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O464 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O465 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Oilcrops Oil, Other
               O112 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O113 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O114 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O115 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O116 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O117 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Olive Oil
               O118 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O119 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O120 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O121 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O515 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O122 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Olives (including preserved)
               O123 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O124 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O125 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O126 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O127 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O128 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O382 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O383 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O384 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O385 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O386 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O387 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)

	      Oranges, Mandarines
               O129 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O130 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O131 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O132 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O133 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O134 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Palm Oil
               O135 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O136 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O137 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O138 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O388 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O139 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Palmkernel Oil
               O455 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O456 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O457 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O458 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O509 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O459 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O389 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O390 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O391 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O392 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O393 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O438 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O140 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O141 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O142 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O143 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O143 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O145 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O394 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O395 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O396 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O397 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O398 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O399 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Pineapples and products
               O146 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O147 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O148 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O149 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O439 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O440 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O400 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O401 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O402 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O403 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O441 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O442 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Potatoes and products
               O150 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O151 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O152 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O153 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O154 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O155 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O281 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O282 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O283 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O284 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O285 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O286 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Pulses, Other and products
               O156 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O157 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O158 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O159 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O160 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O161 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Rape and Mustard Oil
               O162 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O163 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O164 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O165 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O443 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O166 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Rice (Milled Equivalent)
               O167 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O168 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O169 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O170 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O171 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O172 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Rice (Paddy Equivalent)
               O173 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O174 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O175 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O176 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O177 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O178 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Ricebran Oil
               O485 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O486 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O487 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O488 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O527 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O489 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O404 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O405 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O406 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O407 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O444 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O480 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Roots & Tuber Dry Equiv
               O179 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O180 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O181 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O182 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O183 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O184 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Rye and products
               O408 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O409 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O410 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O411 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O412 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O413 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sesame seed
               O185 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O186 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O187 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O188 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O189 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O190 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sesameseed Oil
               O191 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O192 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O193 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O194 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O510 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O195 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sorghum and products
               O445 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O446 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O447 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O448 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O449 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O450 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O414 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O415 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O416 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O417 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O451 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O460 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Soyabean Oil
               O196 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O197 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O198 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O199 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O475 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O200 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O287 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O288 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O289 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O290 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O291 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O292 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Spices, Other
               O201 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O202 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O203 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O204 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O205 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O206 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Starchy Roots
               O293 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O294 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O295 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O296 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O297 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O298 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O299 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O300 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O301 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O302 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O303 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O304 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar beet
               O517 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O518 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O519 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O520 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O521 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O522 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar cane
               O490 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O491 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O492 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O493 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O494 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O495 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar Crops
               O501 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O502 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O503 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O504 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O505 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O506 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar non-centrifugal
               O496 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O497 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O498 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O499 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O500 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O511 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar (Raw Equivalent)
               O207 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O208 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O209 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O210 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
	      Sugar, Raw Equivalent
               O211 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O212 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O213 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O214 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O476 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O512 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sugar, Refined Equiv
               O215 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O216 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O217 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O218 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
	      Sugar & Sweeteners
               O305 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O306 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O307 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O308 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O309 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O513 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O466 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O467 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O468 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O469 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
	      Sunflower seed
               O483 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O484 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sunflowerseed Oil
               O219 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O220 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O221 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O222 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O418 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O223 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Sweet potatoes
               O419 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O420 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O421 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O422 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O423 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O424 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)

	      Sweeteners, Other
               O224 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O225 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O226 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O227 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O477 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O516 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Tea (including mate)
               O228 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O229 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O230 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O231 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O232 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Tomatoes and products
               O233 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O234 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O235 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O236 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O237 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O238 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O310 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O311 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O312 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O313 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O314 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O315 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O322 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O323 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O324 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O325 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O326 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O327 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Vegetal Products
               O328 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O329 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O330 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Vegetables, Other
               O239 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O240 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O241 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O242 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O243 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O244 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Vegetable Oils
               O316 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O317 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O318 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O319 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O320 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O321 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Wheat and products
               O245 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O246 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O247 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O248 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O249 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O250 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O251 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O252 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O253 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O254 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O478 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O470 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
               O471 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O472 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
               O473 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O474 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O507 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
	      Grand Total
               O331 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
               O332 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
               O333 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)


          Meat indigenous, total
			   F9   Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F10  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F11  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F12  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Milk, total
			   F13  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F14  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F15  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F16  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Oilcrops, Oil Equivalent
			   F17  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F18  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F19  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F20  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Roots and Tubers, total
			   F21  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F22  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F23  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F24  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Sugar, raw
			   F25  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F26  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F27  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F28  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Vegetables and Fruit Primary
			   F29  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F30  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F31  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F32  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F33  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F34  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F35  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F36  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Cereals, total
			   F37  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F38  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F39  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F40  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F41  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F42  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F43  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F44  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F45  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F46  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F47  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F48  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F49  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F50  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F51  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F52  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
          Non Food
			   F53  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F54  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F55  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F56  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 

       production crops
          Almonds, with shell
               C1   Area harvested (in ha)
               C2   Yield (in hg/ha)
               C3   Production (in t)
		  Anise, badian, fennel, coriander
               C4   Area harvested (in ha)
               C5   Yield (in hg/ha)
               C6   Production (in t)
               C7   Area harvested (in ha)
               C8   Yield (in hg/ha)
               C9   Production (in t)
               C10  Area harvested (in ha)
               C11  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C12  Production (in t)
               C13  Area harvested (in ha)
               C14  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C15  Production (in t)
          Berries nes
               C16  Area harvested (in ha)
               C17  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C18  Production (in t)
          Cotton lint
               C522 Area harvested (in ha)
               C19  Production (in t)
			   F1   Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F2   Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F3   Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F4   Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
               C507 Area harvested (in ha)
               C20  Production (in t)
			   F6   Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F7   Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F8   Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F9   Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
               C21  Area harvested (in ha)
               C22  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C23  Production (in t)
          Fruit, citrus nes
               C24  Area harvested (in ha)
               C25  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C26  Production (in t)
          Fruit, fresh nes
               C27  Area harvested (in ha)
               C28  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C29  Production (in t)
          Fruit, stone nes
               C30  Area harvested (in ha)
               C31  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C32  Production (in t)
               C33  Area harvested (in ha)
               C34  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C35  Production (in t)
               C36  Area harvested (in ha)
               C37  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C38  Production (in t)
               C39  Area harvested (in ha)
               C40  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C41  Production (in t)
          Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes)
               C42  Area harvested (in ha)
               C43  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C44  Production (in t)
               C45  Area harvested (in ha)
               C46  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C47  Production (in t)
          Nuts, nes
               C48  Area harvested (in ha)
               C49  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C50  Production (in t)
               C51  Area harvested (in ha)
               C52  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C53  Production (in t)
          Onions, dry
               C54  Area harvested (in ha)
               C55  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C56  Production (in t)
               C57  Area harvested (in ha)
               C58  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C59  Production (in t)
          Peaches and nectarines
               C60  Area harvested (in ha)
               C61  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C62  Production (in t)
               C63  Area harvested (in ha)
               C64  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C65  Production (in t)
               C66  Area harvested (in ha)
               C67  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C68  Production (in t)
          Plums and sloes
               C69  Area harvested (in ha)
               C70  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C71  Production (in t)
               C72  Area harvested (in ha)
               C73  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C74  Production (in t)
          Pulses, nes
               C75  Area harvested (in ha)
               C76  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C77  Production (in t)
          Rice, paddy
               C78  Area harvested (in ha)
               C79  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C80  Production (in t)
          Seed cotton
               C81  Area harvested (in ha)
               C82  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C83  Production (in t)
          Sesame seed
               C84  Area harvested (in ha)
               C85  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C86  Production (in t)
          Spices, nes
               C87  Area harvested (in ha)
               C88  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C89  Production (in t)
          Sugar beet
               C90  Area harvested (in ha)
               C91  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C92  Production (in t)
          Sugar cane
               C93  Area harvested (in ha)
               C94  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C95  Production (in t)
          Sunflower seed
               C96  Area harvested (in ha)
               C97  Yield (in hg/ha)
               C98  Production (in t)
          Vegetables, fresh nes
               C99  Area harvested (in ha)
               C100 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C101 Production (in t)
          Walnuts, with shell
               C102 Area harvested (in ha)
               C103 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C104 Production (in t)
               C105 Area harvested (in ha)
               C106 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C107 Production (in t)
               C108 Area harvested (in ha)
               C109 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C110 Production (in t)
          Cereals (Rice Milled Eqv)
               C111 Area harvested (in ha)
               C112 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C113 Production (in t)
               C114 Area harvested (in ha)
               C115 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C116 Production (in t)
          Citrus Fruit,Total
               C117 Area harvested (in ha)
               C118 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C119 Production (in t)
          Coarse Grain, Total
               C120 Area harvested (in ha)
               C121 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C122 Production (in t)
          Fibre Crops Primary
               C123 Area harvested (in ha)
               C124 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C125 Production (in t)
          Fruit Primary
               C126 Area harvested (in ha)
               C127 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C128 Production (in t)
          Oilcrops, Cake Equivalent
               C129 Area harvested (in ha)
               C130 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C131 Production (in t)
          Oilcrops, Oil Equivalent
               C132 Area harvested (in ha)
               C133 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C134 Production (in t)
               C135 Area harvested (in ha)
               C136 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C137 Production (in t)
          Roots and Tubers,Total
               C138 Area harvested (in ha)
               C139 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C140 Production (in t)
               C141 Area harvested (in ha)
               C142 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C143 Production (in t)
          Vegetables Primary
               C144 Area harvested (in ha)
               C145 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C146 Production (in t)
          Beans, dry
               C147 Area harvested (in ha)
               C148 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C149 Production (in t)
          Beans, green
               C150 Area harvested (in ha)
               C151 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C152 Production (in t)
          Broad beans, horse beans, dry
               C153 Area harvested (in ha)
               C154 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C155 Production (in t)
          Cabbages and other brassicas
               C156 Area harvested (in ha)
               C157 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C158 Production (in t)
          Carrots and turnips
               C159 Area harvested (in ha)
               C160 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C161 Production (in t)
          Cauliflowers and broccoli
               C162 Area harvested (in ha)
               C163 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C164 Production (in t)
               C165 Area harvested (in ha)
               C166 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C167 Production (in t)
          Cherries, sour
               C168 Area harvested (in ha)
               C169 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C170 Production (in t)
               C171 Area harvested (in ha)
               C172 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C173 Production (in t)
          Chillies and peppers, green
               C174 Area harvested (in ha)
               C175 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C176 Production (in t)
          Cucumbers and gherkins
               C177 Area harvested (in ha)
               C178 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C179 Production (in t)
               C180 Area harvested (in ha)
               C181 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C182 Production (in t)
          Eggplants (aubergines)
               C183 Area harvested (in ha)
               C184 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C185 Production (in t)
               C186 Area harvested (in ha)
               C187 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C188 Production (in t)
               C189 Area harvested (in ha)
               C190 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C191 Production (in t)
          Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables
               C192 Area harvested (in ha)
               C193 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C194 Production (in t)
          Lemons and limes
               C195 Area harvested (in ha)
               C196 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C197 Production (in t)
          Lettuce and chicory
               C198 Area harvested (in ha)
               C199 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C200 Production (in t)
          Mushrooms and truffles
               C389 Area harvested (in ha)
               C390 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C201 Production (in t)
               C202 Area harvested (in ha)
               C203 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C204 Production (in t)
               C205 Area harvested (in ha)
               C206 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C207 Production (in t)
          Onions, shallots, green
               C208 Area harvested (in ha)
               C209 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C210 Production (in t)
          Peas, green
               C211 Area harvested (in ha)
               C212 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C213 Production (in t)
          Pumpkins, squash and gourds
               C214 Area harvested (in ha)
               C215 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C216 Production (in t)
               C217 Area harvested (in ha)
               C218 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C219 Production (in t)
               C220 Area harvested (in ha)
               C221 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C222 Production (in t)
               C223 Area harvested (in ha)
               C224 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C225 Production (in t)
               C226 Area harvested (in ha)
               C227 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C228 Production (in t)
               C229 Area harvested (in ha)
               C230 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C231 Production (in t)
          Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas
               C232 Area harvested (in ha)
               C233 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C234 Production (in t)
          Tobacco, unmanufactured
               C235 Area harvested (in ha)
               C236 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C237 Production (in t)
               C238 Area harvested (in ha)
               C239 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C240 Production (in t)
          Vegetables, leguminous nes
               C241 Area harvested (in ha)
               C242 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C243 Production (in t)
               C244 Area harvested (in ha)
               C245 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C246 Production (in t)
               C247 Area harvested (in ha)
               C248 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C249 Production (in t)
               C250 Area harvested (in ha)
               C251 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C252 Production (in t)
               C253 Area harvested (in ha)
               C254 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C255 Production (in t)
          Chick peas
               C256 Area harvested (in ha)
               C257 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C258 Production (in t)
          Chillies and peppers, dry
               C259 Area harvested (in ha)
               C260 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C261 Production (in t)
          Fruit, tropical fresh nes
               C326 Area harvested (in ha)
               C327 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C262 Production (in t)
          Grapefruit (inc. pomelos)
               C263 Area harvested (in ha)
               C264 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C265 Production (in t)
          Groundnuts, with shell
               C266 Area harvested (in ha)
               C267 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C268 Production (in t)
               C269 Area harvested (in ha)
               C270 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C271 Production (in t)
          Peas, dry
               C272 Area harvested (in ha)
               C273 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C274 Production (in t)
               C275 Area harvested (in ha)
               C276 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C277 Production (in t)
               C278 Production (in t)
               C279 Area harvested (in ha)
               C280 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C281 Production (in t)
               C282 Area harvested (in ha)
               C283 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C284 Production (in t)
          Cocoa, beans
               C285 Area harvested (in ha)
               C286 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C287 Production (in t)
               C288 Area harvested (in ha)
               C289 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C290 Production (in t)
          Maize, green
               C291 Area harvested (in ha)
               C292 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C293 Production (in t)
          Taro (cocoyam)
               C295 Area harvested (in ha)
               C296 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C297 Production (in t)
               C298 Area harvested (in ha)
               C299 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C300 Production (in t)
          Bastfibres, other
               C301 Area harvested (in ha)
               C302 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C303 Production (in t)
          Cashew nuts, with shell
               C304 Area harvested (in ha)
               C305 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C306 Production (in t)
          Castor oil seed
               C307 Area harvested (in ha)
               C308 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C309 Production (in t)
          Coffee, green
               C310 Area harvested (in ha)
               C311 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C312 Production (in t)
          Oil palm fruit
               C313 Area harvested (in ha)
               C314 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C315 Production (in t)
          Oil, palm
               C316 Production (in t)
			   F57  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F58  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F59  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F60  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
		  Palm kernels
               C521 Area harvested (in ha)
               C317 Production (in t)
			   F61  Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F62  Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
			   F63  Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
			   F64  Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100) 
		       C318 Area harvested (in ha)
               C319 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C294 Production (in t)
               C320 Area harvested (in ha)
               C321 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C322 Production (in t)
          Sweet potatoes
               C323 Area harvested (in ha)
               C324 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C325 Production (in t)
          Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas
               C328 Area harvested (in ha)
               C329 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C330 Production (in t)
               C331 Area harvested (in ha)
               C332 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C333 Production (in t)
               C334 Area harvested (in ha)
               C335 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C336 Production (in t)
          Canary seed
               C337 Area harvested (in ha)
               C338 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C339 Production (in t)
          Cereals, nes
               C340 Area harvested (in ha)
               C341 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C342 Production (in t)
          Fibre crops nes
               C343 Area harvested (in ha)
               C344 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C345 Production (in t)
          Flax fibre and tow
               C346 Area harvested (in ha)
               C347 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C348 Production (in t)
               C349 Area harvested (in ha)
               C350 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C351 Production (in t)
               C352 Area harvested (in ha)
               C353 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C354 Production (in t)
          Oilseeds nes
               C412 Area harvested (in ha)
               C413 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C355 Production (in t)
               C356 Area harvested (in ha)
               C357 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C358 Production (in t)
               C482 Area harvested (in ha)
               C483 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C359 Production (in t)
          Safflower seed
               C360 Area harvested (in ha)
               C361 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C362 Production (in t)
               C363 Area harvested (in ha)
               C364 Yield (in hg/ha)
		  String beans
               C365 Area harvested (in ha)
               C366 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C367 Production (in t)
               C368 Area harvested (in ha)
               C369 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C370 Production (in t)
          Tung nuts
               C371 Area harvested (in ha)
               C372 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C373 Production (in t)
          Hazelnuts, with shell
               C374 Area harvested (in ha)
               C375 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C376 Production (in t)
               C377 Area harvested (in ha)
               C378 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C379 Production (in t)
          Cow peas, dry
               C380 Area harvested (in ha)
               C381 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C382 Production (in t)
               C383 Area harvested (in ha)
               C384 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C385 Production (in t)
          Kiwi fruit
               C386 Area harvested (in ha)
               C387 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C388 Production (in t)
          Mustard seed
               C391 Area harvested (in ha)
               C392 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C393 Production (in t)
               C394 Area harvested (in ha)
               C395 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C396 Production (in t)
               C397 Area harvested (in ha)
               C398 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C399 Production (in t)
               C400 Area harvested (in ha)
               C401 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C402 Production (in t)
               C403 Area harvested (in ha)
               C404 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C405 Production (in t)
          Grain, mixed
               C406 Area harvested (in ha)
               C407 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C408 Production (in t)
          Hemp tow waste
               C409 Area harvested (in ha)
               C410 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C411 Production (in t)
          Poppy seed
               C414 Area harvested (in ha)
               C415 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C416 Production (in t)
               C417 Area harvested (in ha)
               C418 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C419 Production (in t)
          Pigeon peas
               C420 Area harvested (in ha)
               C421 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C422 Production (in t)
               C423 Area harvested (in ha)
               C424 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C425 Production (in t)
          Areca nuts
               C426 Area harvested (in ha)
               C427 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C428 Production (in t)
               C429 Production (in t)
               C430 Area harvested (in ha)
               C431 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C432 Production (in t)
               C433 Area harvested (in ha)
               C434 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C435 Production (in t)
          Rubber, natural
               C436 Area harvested (in ha)
               C437 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C438 Production (in t)
          Sugar crops, nes
               C439 Area harvested (in ha)
               C440 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C441 Production (in t)
          Chicory roots
               C442 Area harvested (in ha)
               C443 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C444 Production (in t)
          Roots and tubers, nes
               C445 Area harvested (in ha)
               C446 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C447 Production (in t)
          Yautia (cocoyam)
               C448 Area harvested (in ha)
               C449 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C450 Production (in t)
               C451 Area harvested (in ha)
               C452 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C453 Production (in t)
          Karite nuts (sheanuts)
               C454 Area harvested (in ha)
               C455 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C456 Production (in t)
          Kola nuts
               C457 Area harvested (in ha)
               C458 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C459 Production (in t)
          Pepper (piper spp.)
               C460 Area harvested (in ha)
               C461 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C462 Production (in t)
          Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
               C463 Area harvested (in ha)
               C464 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C465 Production (in t)
          Brazil nuts, with shell
               C523 Area harvested (in ha)
               C524 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C466 Production (in t)
          Pyrethrum, dried
               C511 Area harvested (in ha)
               C512 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C467 Production (in t)
               C468 Area harvested (in ha)
               C469 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C470 Production (in t)
               C471 Area harvested (in ha)
               C472 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C473 Production (in t)
          Gums, natural
               C474 Production (in t)
               C475 Area harvested (in ha)
               C476 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C477 Production (in t)
               C478 Area harvested (in ha)
               C479 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C480 Production (in t)
               C487 Area harvested (in ha)
               C488 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C481 Production (in t)
          Bambara beans
               C484 Area harvested (in ha)
               C485 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C486 Production (in t)
          Cinnamon (canella)
               C489 Area harvested (in ha)
               C490 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C491 Production (in t)
               C492 Area harvested (in ha)
               C493 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C494 Production (in t)
          Tallowtree seed
               C495 Area harvested (in ha)
               C496 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C497 Production (in t)
               C498 Area harvested (in ha)
               C499 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C500 Production (in t)
          Agave fibres nes
               C501 Area harvested (in ha)
               C502 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C503 Production (in t)
          Cassava leaves
               C504 Area harvested (in ha)
               C505 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C506 Production (in t)
          Manila fibre (abaca)
               C508 Area harvested (in ha)
               C509 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C510 Production (in t)
          Kapok fibre
               C513 Production (in t)
          Kapok fruit
               C514 Area harvested (in ha)
               C515 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C516 Production (in t)
          Kapokseed in shell
               C517 Production (in t)
          Jojoba seed
               C518 Area harvested (in ha)
               C519 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C520 Production (in t)
          Fruit, pome nes
               C525 Area harvested (in ha)
               C526 Yield (in hg/ha)
               C527 Production (in t)

       main livestock
               V1   asses stocks (head)
               V2   camels stocks (head)
               V3   cattle stocks (head)
               V4   chickens stocks (head in 1000)
               V5   goats stocks (head)
               V6   horses stocks (head)
               V7   mules stocks (head)
               V8   sheep stocks (head)
               V9   cattle and buffaloes stocks (head)
               V10  poultry birds stocks (head in 1000)
               V11  sheep and goats stocks (head)
               V12  beehives stocks (in colony)
               V13  buffaloes stocks (head)
               V14  ducks stocks (head in 1000)
               V15  geese and guinea fowls stocks (head in 1000)
               V16  pigs stocks (head)
               V17  turkeys stocks (head in 1000)
               V18  rabbits and hares stocks (head in 1000)
               V19  camelids, other, stocks (head)
               V20  rodents, other, stocks (head in 1000)
               V21  animals live nes stocks (head)
               V22  pigeons, other birds stocks (head in 1000)

	       S24  roundwood production - total (in 1000 m^3)

       endangered species
	 threatened species
	       B3   animal species - threatened (number)
	       B4   plant species - threatened (number)
	   fauna and flora
	       B5   total species - threatened (number)

   mineral resources
               R1   total estimated recoverable coal (in 10^6 t)
               R3   total crude oil reserves (in 10^6 m^3)
               R4   total natural gas reserves (in 10^9 m^3)
               R5   total uranium reserves - with mining costs up to US $ 130/ kg, reasonably assured and inferred (in 1000 t)
               R6   total uranium reserves - with mining costs up to US $ 260/ kg, reasonably assured and inferred (in 1000 t)

   energy consumption
     by sector

               E17  total coal consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
               E18  total coal consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
               E19  total coal consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
               E20  total coal consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
               E21  total coal consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)

       natural gas
               E22  total natural gas consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
               E23  total natural gas consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
               E24  total natural gas consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
               E25  total natural gas consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
               E26  total natural gas consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)

               E27  total oil consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
               E28  total oil consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
               E29  total oil consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
               E30  total oil consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
               E31  total oil consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)

               E33  total charcoal consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
               E35  total charcoal consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
               E36  total charcoal consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)

       biomass, wood, wastes
               E37  total biomass, wood, waste consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
               E38  total biomass, wood, waste consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
               E39  total biomass, wood, waste consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
               E40  total biomass, wood, waste consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
               E41  total biomass, wood, waste consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)

       all fuels incl. biomass, total
               E42  total fuel consumption, all sectors (in TJ - net)

       fossile fuels, total
               E43  total fossile fuel consumption, all sectors (in TJ - net)

     sectoral aggregation
               E44  energy sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E45  manufacturing and construction sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E46  transport sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E47  other sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E48  energy sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E49  manufacturing and construction sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E50  transport sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
               E51  other sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)

   human resources
               H4   total population (in 1000)
               H4A  population male (in 1000)
               H4B  population female (in 1000)
               H6   urban population (in 1000)
               H34  population in urban areas (in %)
               H5   rural population (in 1000)
               H25  annual population growth rate (in %)
               H27  percentage of population aged 65+ years (in %)
               H28  total fertility rate (in births per woman)
               H7   population density (number/ km2)

               H33  net primary school enrollment  - females (in %)
               H29  net primary school enrollment - males (in %)

       literacy rate
               H30  adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - total (in %)
               H30A adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - male (in %)
               H30B adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - female (in %)

       illiterate, aged 15 years and over
               H59  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - female (in %)
               H60  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - female (in 1000)
               H61  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - male (in %)
               H62  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - male (in 1000)
               H63  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - total (in %)
               H64  illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - total (in 1000)

   social conditions

               H20  HIV prevalence aged 15 to 49 (in %)
               H22  tuberculosis - incidence (per 100 000 population)
       healthy life expectancy at birth
               H41  healthy life expectancy at birth - females (in years)
               H40  healthy life expectancy at birth - males (in years)
               H39  healthy life expectancy at birth - total population (in years)
       life expectancy at birth
               H38  life expectancy at birth - females (in years)
               H37  life expectancy at birth - males (in years)
               H36  life expectancy at birth - total population (in years)
               H16  adult males (per 1000)
               H17  adult females (per 1000)
               H17b adult total, between 15 and 60 years (per 1000)
               H12b Infant mortality rate probability of dying between birth and age 1 (per 1000 live births)
               H12  mortality: neonatal (per 1000 live births)
               H13b Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births) (per 1000 live births)
               H14a prematurity, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14b birth asphyxia and -traumas, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14c sepsis of newborn, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14d congenital anomalies, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14e injuries, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14f HIV, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14g other diseases, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14h diarrhoeal diseases, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14i measles, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
               H14j malaria, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in )
               H14k acute lower respiratory infections, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in )
               H18  maternal mortality (per 100 000 live births)

       expenditure on health
               H51  external resources for health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
               H50  general government expenditure on health as % of total general government expenditure (in %)
               H48  general government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
               H58  government expenditure on health ppp in international dollars (per capita)
               H53  out-of-pocket expenditure on health as % of private expenditure on health (in %)
               H57  per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (per capita)
               H54  prepaid plans as % of private expenditure on health (in %)
               H49  private expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
               H52  social security expenditure on health as % of general government expenditure on health (in %)
               H46  total expenditure on health as % of GDP (in %)
               H55  total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (per capita)
               H56  total expenditure on health ppp in international dollars (per capita)
               H2   improved sanitation coverage - rural population (in % of population)
               H1   improved sanitation coverage - total population (in % of population)
               H3   improved sanitation coverage - urban population (in % of population)

               H32  population living on < US$1 per day (in %)
     losses/ natural disasters
               L5   disasters of natural origin - affected people (number)
               L6   disasters of natural origin - killed people (number)

   economic core indicators

     gross domestic product & gross national income
               Z1   GDP (in 10^9 national currency)
               Z12  GDP (in 10^9 US dollar)
               H31  gross national income (ppp international dollar) (per capita)

     industrial production
               Z4   industrial production (index 2010=100)

               Z3   exports of goods and services (in 10^9 national currency)
               Z2   imports of goods and services (in 10^9 national currency)

     exchange rates (market rates;averages)
               Z6   national currency per US dollar (in national currency)
               Z8   US dollar per national currency (in US-$)

SUB-CODE  3 : Unit

           00 %
           01 % of population
           02 10^6 m^3
           03 10^6 t
           04 10^9 m^3
           05 10^9 m^3/yr
           06 1000 ha
           07 1000 t
           08 2004-2006=100
           56 births per woman
           58 g/capita/day
           59 Ha
           60 Hg/Ha
           61 in ░C
           62 in 10^9 national currency
           63 in 10^9 US dollar
           64 in 1000
           65 in 1000 ha
           66 in 1000 m^3
           67 in mm/yr
           68 in ppm
           69 index 2010=100
           70 kcal/capita/day
           71 Kg
           72 km^3
           73 m^3/inhab
           74 m^3/inhab/year
           75 million tonnes
           76 national currency
           77 number
           79 number/ km2
           80 per 100 000 live births
           81 per 100 000 population
           82 per 1000
           83 per 1000 live births
           84 per capita
           85 t
           87 tonnes
           90 TJ - net
           91 ug/m^3
           92 US-$
           93 1000 US$
           94 years
           96 Head
           97 1000 Head
           98 No

    • Indicator
      • elementary resources
        • atmosphere, climate
          • temperature
            • A45 average temperature (in °C)
          • CO2 concentration
            • A120 average CO2 concentration ('Keeling Curve') (in ppm)
        • atmosphere, quality, outdoor, emissions
          • particulate matter
            • A121 particulate matter < 10ug (PM10) (in ug/m^3)
        • atmosphere, quality, outdoor, emissions from fuel combustion
          • coal
            • A10 CO2 total coal carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in 1000 t)
            • A11 CH4 total coal methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A12 N2O total coal nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A13 NOX total coal nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A14 CO total coal carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A15 NMVOC total coal non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A16 SO2 total coal sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
          • natural gas
            • A17 CO2 total natural gas carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in 1000 t)
            • A18 CH4 total natural gas methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A19 N2O total natural gas nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A20 NOX total natural gas nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A21 CO total natural gas carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A22 NMVOC total natural gas non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
          • oil
            • A24 CO2 total oil carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A25 CH4 total oil methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A26 N2O total oil nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A27 NOX total oil nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A28 CO total oil carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A29 NMVOC total oil non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A30 SO2 total oil sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
          • charcoal
            • A31 CO2 total charcoal carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A32 CH4 total charcoal methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A33 N2O total charcoal nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A34 NOX total charcoal nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A35 CO total charcoal carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A36 NMVOC total charcoal non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A37 SO2 total charcoal sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
          • biomass, wood, wastes
            • A38 CO2 total biomass, wood, wastes carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A39 CH4 total biomass, wood, wastes methan emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A40 N2O total biomass, wood, wastes nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A41 NOX total biomass, wood, wastes nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A42 CO total biomass, wood, wastes carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A43 NMVOC total biomass, wood, wastes non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
            • A44 SO2 total biomass, wood, wastes sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (in t)
        • atmosphere, quality, outdoor, emissions from fuel combustion by sector
          • energy sector
            • A64 CO2 energy industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A65 CH4 energy industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A66 N2O energy industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A67 NOX energy industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A68 CO energy industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A69 NMVOC energy industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A70 SO2 energy industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
          • manufacturing sector
            • A71 CO2 manufacturing industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A72 CH4 manufacturing industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A73 N2O manufacturing industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A74 NOX manufacturing industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A75 CO manufacturing industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A76 NMVOC manufacturing industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A77 SO2 manufacturing industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
          • transport sector
            • A78 CO2 transport industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A79 CH4 transport industries: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A80 N2O transport industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A81 NOX transport industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A82 CO transport industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A83 NMVOC transport industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A84 SO2 transport industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
          • other sectors
            • A85 CO2 other sector: carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A86 CH4 other sector: methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A87 N2O other sector: nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A88 NOX other sector: nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A89 CO other sector: carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A90 NMVOC other sector: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A91 SO2 other sector: sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
          • total
            • A50 CO2 total carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A51 CH4 total methan emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A52 N2O total nitrous oxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A53 NOX total nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A54 CO total carbon monoxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A55 NMVOC total non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fuel combustion (t)
            • A56 SO2 total sulphur dioxide emissions from fuel combustion (t)
        • atmosphere, quality, outdoor, emissions from fossil fuel combustion by sector
          • energy sector
            • A92 CO2 energy industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A93 CH4 energy industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A94 N2O energy industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A95 NOX energy industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A96 CO energy industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A97 NMVOC energy industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A98 SO2 energy industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
          • manufacturing sector
            • A99 CO2 manufacturing industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A100 CH4 manufacturing industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A101 N2O manufacturing industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A102 NOX manufacturing industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A103 CO manufacturing industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A104 NMVOC manufacturing industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A105 SO2 manufacturing industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
          • transport sector
            • A106 CO2 transport industries: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A107 CH4 transport industries: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A108 N2O transport industries: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A109 NOX transport industries: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A110 CO transport industries: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A111 NMVOC transport industries: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions fossil from fuel combustion (t)
            • A112 SO2 transport industries: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
          • other sectors
            • A113 CO2 other sector: carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A114 CH4 other sector: methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A115 N2O other sector: nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A116 NOX other sector: nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A117 CO other sector: carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A118 NMVOC other sector: non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A119 SO2 other sector: sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
          • total fossil fuels
            • A57 CO2 total carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (1000 t)
            • A58 CH4 total methan emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A59 N2O total nitrous oxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A60 NOX total nitrogen oxides emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A61 CO total carbon monoxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A62 NMVOC total non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
            • A63 SO2 total sulphur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion (t)
        • water
          • fresh water
            • resource
              • precipitation
                • A48 verage precipitation in depth (in mm/yr)
                • A49 verage precipitation in volume (10^9 m^3/yr)
            • irrigation/ drainage
              • drained area
                • Q141 Area equipped for irrigation drained (in 1000 ha)
                • Q142 Non-irrigated cultivated area drained (in 1000 ha)
                • Q143 Total cultivated area drained (in 1000 ha)
                • Q144 % of area equipped for irrigation drained (in %)
                • Q145 % of total cultivated area drained (in %)
              • area equipped
                • Q65 Irrigation potential (in 1000 ha)
                • Q66 Area equipped for full control irrigation: surface irrigation (in 1000 ha)
                • Q67 Area equipped for full control irrigation: sprinkler irrigation (in 1000 ha)
                • Q68 Area equipped for full control irrigation: localized irrigation (in 1000 ha)
                • Q69 Area equipped for full control irrigation: total (in 1000 ha)
                • Q70 Area equipped for full control irrigation: actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
                • Q71 % of area equipped for full control irrigation actually irrigated (in %)
                • Q72 Area equipped for irrigation: equipped lowland areas (in 1000 ha)
                • Q73 Area equipped for irrigation: spate irrigation (in 1000 ha)
                • Q74 Area equipped for irrigation: total (in 1000 ha)
                • Q76 % of the area equipped for irrigation actually irrigated (in %)
                • Q77 % of the cultivated area equipped for irrigation (in %)
                • Q78 % of irrigation potential equipped for irrigation (in %)
                • Q79 Flood recession cropping area non-equipped (in 1000 ha)
                • Q80 Cultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms non-equipped (in 1000 ha)
                • Q81 Total agricultural water managed area (in 1000 ha)
                • Q82 % of agricultural water managed area equipped for irrigation (in %)
                • Q83 Area equipped for irrigation by surface water (in 1000 ha)
                • Q84 Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (in 1000 ha)
                • Q85 Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (in 1000 ha)
                • Q86 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
                • Q87 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
                • Q88 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of agricultural drainage water (in 1000 ha)
                • Q89 % of area equipped for irrigation by surface water (in %)
                • Q90 % of area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (in %)
                • Q91 % of area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (in %)
                • Q92 % of area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in %)
                • Q93 % of area equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewater (in %)
                • Q95 Area equipped for power irrigation (surface water or groundwater) (in 1000 ha)
                • Q96 % of area equipped for irrigation power irrigated (in %)
              • area harvested
                • Harvested irrigated temporary crop area
                  • Q98 Total (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q102 Wheat (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q103 Rice (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q104 Barley (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q105 Maize (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q106 Millet (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q107 Sorghum (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q108 Other cereals (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q109 Vegetables (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q110 Soybeans (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q111 Groundnuts (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q112 Sesame (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q113 Sunflower (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q114 Potatoes (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q115 Sweet potatoes (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q116 Cassava (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q117 Other roots and tubers (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q118 Leguminous crops (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q119 Sugar beet (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q120 Sugarcane (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q121 Fodder (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q122 Cotton (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q123 Flowers (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q124 Tobacco (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q125 Other crops (in 1000 ha)
                • Harvested irrigated permanent crop area
                  • Q99 Total (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q126 Plantains (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q127 Bananas (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q128 Citrus (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q129 Grapes (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q130 Other fruits (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q131 Coconuts (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q132 Olives (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q133 Oil palm (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q134 Coffee (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q135 Tea (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q136 Cocoa beans (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q137 Grass and Fodder (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q138 Rubber (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q139 Other crops (in 1000 ha)
                • Other
                  • Q97 Total harvested irrigated crop area (full control irrigation) (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q100 Permanent meadows and pastures irrigated (in 1000 ha)
                  • Q101 Irrigated cropping intensity (in %)
                  • Q140 % of total grain production irrigated (in %)
            • surface water
              • Q1 Surface water produced internally (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q6 entering the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q7 inflow not submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q8 inflow submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q9 inflow secured through treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q10 total flow of border rivers (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q11 accounted flow of border rivers (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q12 accounted inflow (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q13 leaving the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q14 outflow not submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q15 outflow submitted to treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q16 outflow secured through treaties (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q17 total external renewable (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • renewable
              • Q4 Total internal renewable water resources (IRWR) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q5 Total internal renewable water resources per capita (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q22 Water resources: total external renewable (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q23 Total renewable surface water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q24 Total renewable groundwater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q25 Total renewable water resources (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q26 Dependency ratio (in %)
              • Q27 Total renewable water resources per capita (in m^3/inhab/year)
              • Q28 Exploitable: regular renewable surface water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q29 Exploitable: irregular renewable surface water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q30 Exploitable: total renewable surface water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q31 Exploitable: regular renewable groundwater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • groundwater
              • Q2 Groundwater produced internally (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q18 Groundwater: entering the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q19 Groundwater: accounted inflow (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q20 Groundwater: leaving the country (total) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q21 Groundwater: accounted outflow (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • overlab
              • Q3 Overlap between surface water and groundwater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • dam capacity
              • Q32 Total exploitable water resources (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q33 Total dam capacity (in km^3)
            • resource
              • precipitation
            • withdrawal
              • Q34 Dam capacity per capita (in m^3/inhab)
              • Q35 Agricultural water withdrawal (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q36 Industrial water withdrawal (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q37 Municipal water withdrawal (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q38 Total water withdrawal (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q39 Irrigation water withdrawal (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q40 Irrigation water requirement (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q41 Agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal (in %)
              • Q42 Industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal (in %)
              • Q43 Municipal water withdrawal as % of total withdrawal (in %)
              • Q44 Total water withdrawal per capita (in m^3/inhab/year)
              • Q45 Fresh surface water withdrawal (primary and secondary) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q46 Fresh groundwater withdrawal (primary and secondary) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
              • Q47 Total freshwater withdrawal (primary and secondary) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
          • waste water
            • Q48 Desalinated water produced (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q49 Direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q50 Direct use of agricultural drainage water (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q51 Produced municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q52 Collected municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q53 Treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q54 Number of municipal wastewater treatment facilities (-) number)
            • Q55 Capacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q56 Not treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q57 Treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q58 Not treated municipal wastewater discharged (secondary water) (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q59 Direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q60 Direct use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q61 Direct use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes (in 10^9 m^3/yr)
            • Q62 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
            • Q63 Area equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewater (in 1000 ha)
            • Q64 Freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources (in %)
        • terrestrial/ soil
          • land use
            • area (in 1000 ha)
              • S12 total area (in 1000 ha)
              • G1 Country area (in 1000 ha)
              • G2 Land area (in 1000 ha)
              • G3 Agriculture (in 1000 ha)
              • G4 Agricultural land (in 1000 ha)
              • G5 Cropland (in 1000 ha)
              • G6 Arable land (in 1000 ha)
              • G7 Land under temporary crops (in 1000 ha)
              • G8 Land with temporary fallow (in 1000 ha)
              • G9 Land under permanent crops (in 1000 ha)
              • G10 Land under perm. meadows and pastures (in 1000 ha)
              • G11 Perm. meadows & pastures - Nat. growing (in 1000 ha)
              • G12 Forestry (in 1000 ha)
              • G13 Forest land (in 1000 ha)
              • G14 Forest land Carbon stock in living biomass million tonnes
              • G15 Primary Forest (in 1000 ha)
              • G16 Other naturally regenerated forest (in 1000 ha)
              • G17 Planted Forest (in 1000 ha)
              • G18 Other land (in 1000 ha)
              • G19 Land area equipped for irrigation (in 1000 ha)
              • G20 Agriculture area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
              • G21 Agriculture area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
              • G22 Agriculture area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
              • G23 Land under temp. meadows and pastures (in 1000 ha)
              • G24 Inland waters (in 1000 ha)
              • G25 Coastal waters (in 1000 ha)
              • G26 Cropland area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
              • G27 Cropland area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
              • G28 Cropland area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
              • G29 Perm. meadows & pastures - Cultivated (in 1000 ha)
              • G30 Land used for aquaculture (in 1000 ha)
              • G31 Perm. meadows & pastures area actually irrig. (in 1000 ha)
              • G32 Land under protective cover (in 1000 ha)
              • G33 Perm. meadows & pastures area under organic agric. (in 1000 ha)
              • G34 Land area actually irrigated (in 1000 ha)
              • G35 Cropland area under conventional tillage (in 1000 ha)
              • G36 Cropland area under conservation tillage (in 1000 ha)
              • G37 Cropland area under zero or no tillage (in 1000 ha)
              • G38 Farm buildings & farmyards (in 1000 ha)
              • G39 Perm. meadows & pastures area certified organic (in 1000 ha)
              • G40 Inland waters used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
              • G41 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (in 1000 ha)
              • G42 Coastal waters used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
              • G43 Coastal waters used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
              • G44 EEZ used for aquac. or holding facilities (in 1000 ha)
              • G45 Inland waters used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
              • G46 EEZ used for capture fisheries (in 1000 ha)
            • parks and protected area (in 1000 ha)
              • S3 parks and protected areas - terrestric and marine (territorial waters up to 12 nautical miles) (in 1000 ha)
              • S3A parks and protected areas - terrestric (in 1000 ha)
              • S3B parks and protected areas - marine (territorial waters up to 12 nautical miles) (in 1000 ha)
          • fertilization (t)
            • Nutrient nitrogen N (total)
              • TN1 Production (in t of nutrients)
              • TN2 Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN3 Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN4 Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)
            • Nutrient phosphate P2O5 (total)
              • TN5 Production (in t of nutrients)
              • TN6 Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN7 Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN8 Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)
            • Nutrient potash K2O (total)
              • TN9 Production (in t of nutrients)
              • TN10 Import Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN11 Export Quantity (in t of nutrients)
              • TN12 Agricultural Use (in t of nutrients)
            • Ammonia, anhydrous
              • T63 Production (in t)
              • T1 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T2 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T110 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T111 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T112 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Ammonium nitrate (AN)
              • T64 Production (in t)
              • T3 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T4 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T65 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T66 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T67 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Ammonium sulphate
              • T68 Production (in t)
              • T5 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T6 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T121 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T122 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T69 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and other mixtures with calcium carbonate
              • T70 Production (in t)
              • T7 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T8 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T9 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T10 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T71 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
              • T11 Production (in t)
              • T12 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T13 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T72 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T73 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T74 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Fertilizers n.e.c.
              • T75 Production (in t)
              • T14 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T15 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T16 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T17 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T132 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Monoammonium phosphate (MAP)
              • T76 Production (in t)
              • T18 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T19 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T20 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T21 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T77 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • NPK fertilizers
              • T78 Production (in t)
              • T22 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T23 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T24 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T25 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T26 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Other nitrogenous fertilizers, n.e.c.
              • T79 Production (in t)
              • T27 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T28 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T29 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T30 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T127 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Other NK compounds
              • T80 Production (in t)
              • T133 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Other NP compounds
              • T81 Production (in t)
              • T82 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T83 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T31 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T32 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T84 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Other phosphatic fertilizers, n.e.c.
              • T85 Production (in t)
              • T86 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T87 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T33 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T34 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T128 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Other potassic fertilizers, n.e.c.
              • T88 Production (in t)
              • T89 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T90 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T35 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T36 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T129 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Phosphate rock
              • T91 Production (in t)
              • T37 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T38 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T39 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T40 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T113 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • PK compounds
              • T92 Production (in t)
              • T93 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T94 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T41 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T42 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T95 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Potassium chloride (muriate of potash) (MOP)
              • T96 Production (in t)
              • T43 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T44 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T114 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T115 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T97 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Potassium nitrate
              • T98 Production (in t)
              • T45 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T46 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T123 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T124 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T99 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash) (SOP)
              • T100 Production (in t)
              • T47 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T48 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T49 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T50 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T101 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Sodium nitrate
              • T102 Production (in t)
              • T51 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T52 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T125 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T126 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T134 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Superphosphates above 35%
              • T103 Production (in t)
              • T104 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T105 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T53 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T54 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T106 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Superphosphates, other
              • T107 Production (in t)
              • T116 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T117 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T130 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T131 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T108 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Urea
              • T55 Production (in t)
              • T56 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T57 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T58 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T59 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T60 Agricultural Use (in t)
            • Urea and ammonium nitrate solutions (UAN)
              • T109 Production (in t)
              • T61 Import Quantity (in t)
              • T62 Import Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T118 Export Quantity (in t)
              • T119 Export Value (in 1000 US$)
              • T120 Agricultural Use (in t)
          • salinisation
            • S16 area salinized by irrigation (in 1000 ha)
            • S25 salinized part of area equipped for full control irrigation (in %)
          • pesticides, use (in t of active ingredients)
            • D1 Pesticides (total) (in t)
            • D45 Disinfectants (in t)
            • D2 Insecticides (in t)
            • D29 Insecticides û Botanical products and biologicals (in t)
            • D3 Insecticides û Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (in t)
            • D4 Insecticides û Organo-phosphates (in t)
            • D5 Insecticides û Carbamates (in t)
            • D6 Insecticides û Pyrethroids (in t)
            • D7 Insecticides û Other (in t)
            • D8 Herbicides (in t)
            • D11 Herbicides û Amides (in t)
            • D15 Herbicides û Bipiridils (in t)
            • D12 Herbicides û Carbamates (in t)
            • D13 Herbicides û Dinitroanilines (in t)
            • D9 Herbicides û Phenoxy hormone products (in t)
            • D14 Herbicides û Sulfonyl ureas (in t)
            • D10 Herbicides û Triazines (in t)
            • D30 Herbicides û Urea derivates (in t)
            • D31 Herbicides û Uracil (in t)
            • D16 Herbicides û Other (in t)
            • D17 Fungicides and Bactericides (in t)
            • D33 Fungicides û Seed treatments (in t)
            • D20 Fung & Bact û Benzimidazoles (in t)
            • D32 Fung & Bact û Diazines, morpholines (in t)
            • D19 Fung & Bact û Dithiocarbamates (in t)
            • D18 Fung & Bact û Inorganics (in t)
            • D21 Fung & Bact û Triazoles, diazoles (in t)
            • D22 Fung & Bact û Other (in t)
            • D23 Insecticides û Seed Treatments (in t)
            • D24 Plant Growth Regulators (in t)
            • D25 Rodenticides (in t)
            • D26 Rodenticides û Anti-coagulants (in t)
            • D44 Rodenticides û Cyanide Generators (in t)
            • D47 Rodenticides û Hypercalcaemics (in t)
            • D46 Rodenticides û Narcotics (in t)
            • D27 Rodenticides û Other (in t)
            • D42 Mineral Oils (in t)
            • D28 Other Pesticides nes (in t)
            • D35 Seed Treat Fung û Benzimidazoles (in t)
            • D37 Seed Treat Fung û Botanical products and biologicals (in t)
            • D34 Seed Treat Fung û Dithiocarbamates (in t)
            • D36 Seed Treat Fung û Triazoles, diazoles (in t)
            • D38 Seed Treat Fung û Other (in t)
            • D39 Seed Treat Insect û Carbamates (in t)
            • D40 Seed Treat Insect û Pyrethroids (in t)
            • D43 Seed Treat Insect û Organo-phosphates (in t)
            • D41 Seed Treat Insect û Other (in t)
      • natural resources
        • food, supply, livestock
          • Animal fats
            • P84 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P85 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P86 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P87 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P88 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P89 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Animal Products
            • P90 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P91 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P92 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Aquatic Animals, Others
            • P114 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P115 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P116 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P117 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P118 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P119 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Aquatic Plants
            • P120 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P121 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P122 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P123 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P124 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P125 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Aquatic Products, Other
            • P180 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P181 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P182 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P183 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P184 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P185 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Bovine Meat
            • P1 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P2 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P3 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P4 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P5 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P6 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Butter, Ghee
            • P7 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P8 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P9 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P10 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P11 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P12 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cephalopods
            • P126 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P127 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P128 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P129 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P130 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P131 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cheese
            • P13 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P14 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P15 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P16 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P17 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P18 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cream
            • P19 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P20 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P21 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P22 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P23 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P24 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Crustaceans
            • P132 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P133 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P134 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P135 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P136 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P137 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Demersal Fish
            • P138 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P139 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P140 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P141 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P142 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P143 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Eggs
            • P25 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P26 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P27 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P28 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P29 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P30 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fats, Animals, Raw
            • P31 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P32 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P33 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P34 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P35 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P36 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fish, Body Oil
            • P144 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P145 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P146 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P147 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P148 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P149 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fish, Liver Oil
            • P150 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P151 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P152 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P153 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P154 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P155 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fish, Seafood
            • P93 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P94 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P95 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P96 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P97 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P98 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Freshwater Fish
            • P37 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P38 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P39 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P40 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P41 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P42 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Honey
            • P43 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P44 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P45 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P46 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P47 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Marine Fish, Other
            • P156 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P157 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P158 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P159 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P160 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P161 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Meat
            • P99 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P100 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P101 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P102 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P103 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P104 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Meat, Aquatic Mammals
            • P192 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P193 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P194 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P195 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P196 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P197 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Meat Meal
            • P198 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P199 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P200 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
          • Meat, Other
            • P48 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P49 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P50 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P51 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P52 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P53 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Milk - Excluding Butter
            • P54 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P55 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P56 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P57 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P58 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P59 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Milk, Whole
            • P60 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P61 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P62 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P63 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P64 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P65 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Molluscs, Other
            • P162 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P163 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P164 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P165 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P166 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P167 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Mutton & Goat Meat
            • P66 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P67 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P68 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P69 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P70 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P71 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Offals
            • P105 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P106 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P107 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P108 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P109 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P110 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Offals, Edible
            • P72 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P73 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P74 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P75 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P76 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P77 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pelagic Fish
            • P168 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P169 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P170 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P171 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P172 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P173 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pigmeat
            • P174 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P175 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P176 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P177 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P178 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P179 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Poultry Meat
            • P78 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P79 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P80 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P81 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P82 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P83 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Whey
            • P186 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • P187 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P188 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • P189 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P190 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P191 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Grand Total
            • P111 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • P112 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • P113 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
        • food, supply, crops
          • Apples and products
            • O1 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O2 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O3 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O4 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O5 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O6 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Alcoholic Beverages
            • O255 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O256 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O257 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O258 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O259 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Bananas
            • O7 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O8 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O9 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O10 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O11 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O12 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Barley and products
            • O13 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O14 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O15 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O16 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O17 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O18 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Beans
            • O334 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O335 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O336 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O337 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O338 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O339 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Beer
            • O19 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O20 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O21 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O22 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O23 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Beverages, Alcoholic
            • O24 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O25 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O26 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O27 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O514 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Beverages, Fermented
            • O340 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O341 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O342 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O343 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O452 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cassava and products
            • O344 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O345 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O346 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O347 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O453 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O454 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cereals - Excluding Beer
            • O260 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O261 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O262 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O263 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O264 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O265 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cereals, Other
            • O28 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O29 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O30 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O31 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O32 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O33 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Citrus, Other
            • O34 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O35 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O36 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O37 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O38 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O39 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cloves
            • O425 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O426 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O427 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O428 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O429 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O430 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cocoa Beans and products
            • O40 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O41 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O42 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O43 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O44 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O45 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Coconuts - Incl Copra
            • O46 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O47 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O48 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O49 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O50 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O51 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Coconut Oil
            • O431 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O432 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O433 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O434 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O479 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O435 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Coconut Oil
            • O436 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Coffee and products
            • O52 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O53 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O54 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O55 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O56 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Cottonseed Oil
            • O57 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O58 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O59 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O60 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O481 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O61 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Dates
            • O62 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O63 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O64 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O65 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O66 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O67 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fruits - Excluding Wine
            • O266 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O267 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O268 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O269 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O270 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O271 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Fruits, Other
            • O68 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O69 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O70 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O71 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O72 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O73 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Grapefruit and products
            • O348 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O349 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O350 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O351 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O352 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Grapes and products (excl wine)
            • O74 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O75 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O76 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O77 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O78 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O79 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Groundnuts (in Shell Eq)
            • O353 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O354 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O355 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O356 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O357 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O358 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Groundnuts (Shelled Eq)
            • O359 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O360 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O361 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O362 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O363 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O364 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Groundnut Oil
            • O80 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O81 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O82 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O83 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O508 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O84 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Infant food
            • O85 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O86 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O87 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O88 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O89 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O90 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Lemons, Limes and products
            • O365 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O366 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O367 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O368 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O369 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O370 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Maize Germ Oil
            • O371 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O372 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O373 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O374 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O482 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O375 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Maize and products
            • O91 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O92 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O93 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O94 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O95 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O96 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Millet and products
            • O97 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O98 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O99 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O100 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O101 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O102 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Miscellaneous
            • O272 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O273 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O274 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O103 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O104 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O105 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Molasses
            • O523 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O524 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O525 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O526 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
          • Nuts and products
            • O106 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O107 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O108 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O109 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O110 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O111 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Oats
            • O376 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O377 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O378 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O379 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O380 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O381 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Oilcrops
            • O275 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O276 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O277 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O278 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O279 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O280 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Oilcrops, Other
            • O461 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O462 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O463 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O437 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O464 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O465 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Oilcrops Oil, Other
            • O112 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O113 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O114 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O115 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O116 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O117 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Olive Oil
            • O118 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O119 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O120 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O121 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O515 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O122 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Olives (including preserved)
            • O123 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O124 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O125 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O126 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O127 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O128 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Onions
            • O382 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O383 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O384 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O385 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O386 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O387 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Oranges, Mandarines
            • O129 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O130 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O131 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O132 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O133 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O134 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Palm Oil
            • O135 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O136 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O137 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O138 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O388 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O139 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Palmkernel Oil
            • O455 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O456 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O457 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O458 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O509 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O459 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Peas
            • O389 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O390 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O391 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O392 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O393 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O438 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pepper
            • O140 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O141 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O142 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O143 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O145 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pimento
            • O394 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O395 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O396 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O397 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O398 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O399 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pineapples and products
            • O146 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O147 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O148 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O149 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O439 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Plantains
            • O440 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O400 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O401 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O402 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O403 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O441 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O442 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Potatoes and products
            • O150 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O151 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O152 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O153 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O154 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O155 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pulses
            • O281 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O282 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O283 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O284 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O285 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O286 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Pulses, Other and products
            • O156 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O157 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O158 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O159 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O160 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O161 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Rape and Mustard Oil
            • O162 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O163 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O164 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O165 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O443 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O166 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Rice (Milled Equivalent)
            • O167 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O168 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O169 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O170 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O171 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O172 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Rice (Paddy Equivalent)
            • O173 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O174 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O175 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O176 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O177 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O178 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Ricebran Oil
            • O485 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O486 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O487 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O488 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O527 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O489 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Roots, Other
            • O404 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O405 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O406 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O407 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O444 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O480 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Roots & Tuber Dry Equiv
            • O179 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O180 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O181 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O182 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O183 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O184 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Rye and products
            • O408 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O409 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O410 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O411 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O412 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O413 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sesame seed
            • O185 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O186 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O187 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O188 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O189 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O190 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sesameseed Oil
            • O191 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O192 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O193 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O194 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O510 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O195 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sorghum and products
            • O445 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O446 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O447 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O448 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O449 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O450 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Soyabeans
            • O414 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O415 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O416 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O417 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O451 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O460 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Soyabean Oil
            • O196 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O197 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O198 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O199 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O475 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O200 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Spices
            • O287 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O288 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O289 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O290 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O291 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O292 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Spices, Other
            • O201 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O202 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O203 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O204 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O205 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O206 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Starchy Roots
            • O293 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O294 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O295 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O296 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O297 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O298 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Stimulants
            • O299 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O300 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O301 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O302 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O303 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O304 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar beet
            • O517 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O518 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O519 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O520 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O521 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O522 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar cane
            • O490 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O491 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O492 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O493 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O494 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O495 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar Crops
            • O501 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O502 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O503 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O504 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O505 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O506 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar non-centrifugal
            • O496 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O497 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O498 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O499 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O500 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O511 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar (Raw Equivalent)
            • O207 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O208 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O209 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O210 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
          • Sugar, Raw Equivalent
            • O211 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O212 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O213 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O214 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O476 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O512 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sugar, Refined Equiv
            • O215 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O216 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O217 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O218 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
          • Sugar & Sweeteners
            • O305 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O306 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O307 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O308 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O309 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O513 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sunflower
            • O466 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O467 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O468 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O469 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
          • Sunflower seed
            • O483 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O484 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sunflowerseed Oil
            • O219 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O220 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O221 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O222 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O418 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O223 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sweet potatoes
            • O419 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O420 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O421 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O422 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O423 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O424 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Sweeteners, Other
            • O224 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O225 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O226 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O227 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O477 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O516 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Tea (including mate)
            • O228 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O229 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O230 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O231 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O232 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Tomatoes and products
            • O233 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O234 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O235 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O236 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O237 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O238 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Treenuts
            • O310 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O311 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O312 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O313 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O314 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O315 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Vegetables
            • O322 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O323 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O324 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O325 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O326 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O327 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Vegetal Products
            • O328 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O329 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O330 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Vegetables, Other
            • O239 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O240 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O241 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O242 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O243 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O244 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Vegetable Oils
            • O316 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O317 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O318 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O319 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O320 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O321 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Wheat and products
            • O245 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O246 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O247 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O248 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O249 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O250 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Wine
            • O251 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O252 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O253 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O254 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O478 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Yams
            • O470 Food supply quantity (tonnes)
            • O471 Food supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O472 Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
            • O473 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O474 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O507 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
          • Grand Total
            • O331 Food supply (kcal/capita/day)
            • O332 Protein supply quantity (g/capita/day)
            • O333 Fat supply quantity (g/capita/day)
        • agriculture production
          • Meat indigenous, total
            • F9 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F10 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F11 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F12 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Milk, total
            • F13 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F14 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F15 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F16 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Oilcrops, Oil Equivalent
            • F17 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F18 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F19 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F20 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Roots and Tubers, total
            • F21 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F22 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F23 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F24 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Sugar, raw
            • F25 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F26 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F27 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F28 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Vegetables and Fruit Primary
            • F29 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F30 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F31 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F32 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Agriculture
            • F33 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F34 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F35 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F36 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Cereals, total
            • F37 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F38 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F39 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F40 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Crops
            • F41 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F42 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F43 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F44 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Food
            • F45 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F46 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F47 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F48 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Livestock
            • F49 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F50 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F51 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F52 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Non Food
            • F53 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F54 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F55 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F56 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
        • agriculture production crops
          • Almonds, with shell
            • C1 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C2 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C3 Production (in t)
          • Anise, badian, fennel, coriander
            • C4 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C5 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C6 Production (in t)
          • Apples
            • C7 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C8 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C9 Production (in t)
          • Apricots
            • C10 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C11 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C12 Production (in t)
          • Barley
            • C13 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C14 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C15 Production (in t)
          • Berries nes
            • C16 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C17 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C18 Production (in t)
          • Cotton lint
            • C522 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C19 Production (in t)
            • F1 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F2 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F3 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F4 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Cottonseed
            • C507 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C20 Production (in t)
            • F6 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F7 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F8 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Figs
            • C21 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C22 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C23 Production (in t)
          • Fruit, citrus nes
            • C24 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C25 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C26 Production (in t)
          • Fruit, fresh nes
            • C27 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C28 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C29 Production (in t)
          • Fruit, stone nes
            • C30 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C31 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C32 Production (in t)
          • Grapes
            • C33 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C34 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C35 Production (in t)
          • Linseed
            • C36 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C37 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C38 Production (in t)
          • Maize
            • C39 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C40 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C41 Production (in t)
          • Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes)
            • C42 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C43 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C44 Production (in t)
          • Millet
            • C45 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C46 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C47 Production (in t)
          • Nuts, nes
            • C48 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C49 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C50 Production (in t)
          • Olives
            • C51 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C52 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C53 Production (in t)
          • Onions, dry
            • C54 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C55 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C56 Production (in t)
          • Oranges
            • C57 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C58 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C59 Production (in t)
          • Peaches and nectarines
            • C60 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C61 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C62 Production (in t)
          • Pears
            • C63 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C64 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C65 Production (in t)
          • Pistachios
            • C66 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C67 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C68 Production (in t)
          • Plums and sloes
            • C69 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C70 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C71 Production (in t)
          • Potatoes
            • C72 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C73 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C74 Production (in t)
          • Pulses, nes
            • C75 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C76 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C77 Production (in t)
          • Rice, paddy
            • C78 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C79 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C80 Production (in t)
          • Seed cotton
            • C81 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C82 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C83 Production (in t)
          • Sesame seed
            • C84 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C85 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C86 Production (in t)
          • Spices, nes
            • C87 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C88 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C89 Production (in t)
          • Sugar beet
            • C90 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C91 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C92 Production (in t)
          • Sugar cane
            • C93 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C94 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C95 Production (in t)
          • Sunflower seed
            • C96 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C97 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C98 Production (in t)
          • Vegetables, fresh nes
            • C99 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C100 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C101 Production (in t)
          • Walnuts, with shell
            • C102 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C103 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C104 Production (in t)
          • Watermelons
            • C105 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C106 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C107 Production (in t)
          • Wheat
            • C108 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C109 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C110 Production (in t)
          • Cereals (Rice Milled Eqv)
            • C111 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C112 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C113 Production (in t)
          • Cereals,Total
            • C114 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C115 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C116 Production (in t)
          • Citrus Fruit,Total
            • C117 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C118 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C119 Production (in t)
          • Coarse Grain, Total
            • C120 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C121 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C122 Production (in t)
          • Fibre Crops Primary
            • C123 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C124 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C125 Production (in t)
          • Fruit Primary
            • C126 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C127 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C128 Production (in t)
          • Oilcrops, Cake Equivalent
            • C129 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C130 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C131 Production (in t)
          • Oilcrops, Oil Equivalent
            • C132 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C133 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C134 Production (in t)
          • Pulses,Total
            • C135 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C136 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C137 Production (in t)
          • Roots and Tubers,Total
            • C138 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C139 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C140 Production (in t)
          • Treenuts,Total
            • C141 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C142 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C143 Production (in t)
          • Vegetables Primary
            • C144 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C145 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C146 Production (in t)
          • Beans, dry
            • C147 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C148 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C149 Production (in t)
          • Beans, green
            • C150 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C151 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C152 Production (in t)
          • Broad beans, horse beans, dry
            • C153 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C154 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C155 Production (in t)
          • Cabbages and other brassicas
            • C156 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C157 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C158 Production (in t)
          • Carrots and turnips
            • C159 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C160 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C161 Production (in t)
          • Cauliflowers and broccoli
            • C162 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C163 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C164 Production (in t)
          • Cherries
            • C165 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C166 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C167 Production (in t)
          • Cherries, sour
            • C168 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C169 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C170 Production (in t)
          • Chestnut
            • C171 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C172 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C173 Production (in t)
          • Chillies and peppers, green
            • C174 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C175 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C176 Production (in t)
          • Cucumbers and gherkins
            • C177 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C178 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C179 Production (in t)
          • Dates
            • C180 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C181 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C182 Production (in t)
          • Eggplants (aubergines)
            • C183 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C184 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C185 Production (in t)
          • Garlic
            • C186 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C187 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C188 Production (in t)
          • Hops
            • C189 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C190 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C191 Production (in t)
          • Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables
            • C192 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C193 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C194 Production (in t)
          • Lemons and limes
            • C195 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C196 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C197 Production (in t)
          • Lettuce and chicory
            • C198 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C199 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C200 Production (in t)
          • Mushrooms and truffles
            • C389 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C390 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C201 Production (in t)
          • Oats
            • C202 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C203 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C204 Production (in t)
          • Okra
            • C205 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C206 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C207 Production (in t)
          • Onions, shallots, green
            • C208 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C209 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C210 Production (in t)
          • Peas, green
            • C211 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C212 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C213 Production (in t)
          • Pumpkins, squash and gourds
            • C214 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C215 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C216 Production (in t)
          • Quinces
            • C217 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C218 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C219 Production (in t)
          • Rye
            • C220 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C221 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C222 Production (in t)
          • Sorghum
            • C223 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C224 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C225 Production (in t)
          • Soybeans
            • C226 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C227 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C228 Production (in t)
          • Spinach
            • C229 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C230 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C231 Production (in t)
          • Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas
            • C232 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C233 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C234 Production (in t)
          • Tobacco, unmanufactured
            • C235 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C236 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C237 Production (in t)
          • Tomatoes
            • C238 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C239 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C240 Production (in t)
          • Vegetables, leguminous nes
            • C241 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C242 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C243 Production (in t)
          • Vetches
            • C244 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C245 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C246 Production (in t)
          • Artichokes
            • C247 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C248 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C249 Production (in t)
          • Bananas
            • C250 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C251 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C252 Production (in t)
          • Carobs
            • C253 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C254 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C255 Production (in t)
          • Chick peas
            • C256 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C257 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C258 Production (in t)
          • Chillies and peppers, dry
            • C259 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C260 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C261 Production (in t)
          • Fruit, tropical fresh nes
            • C326 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C327 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C262 Production (in t)
          • Grapefruit (inc. pomelos)
            • C263 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C264 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C265 Production (in t)
          • Groundnuts, with shell
            • C266 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C267 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C268 Production (in t)
          • Lentils
            • C269 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C270 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C271 Production (in t)
          • Peas, dry
            • C272 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C273 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C274 Production (in t)
          • Rapeseed
            • C275 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C276 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C277 Production (in t)
          • Strawberries
            • C278 Production (in t)
          • Triticale
            • C279 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C280 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C281 Production (in t)
          • Cassava
            • C282 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C283 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C284 Production (in t)
          • Cocoa, beans
            • C285 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C286 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C287 Production (in t)
          • Coconuts
            • C288 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C289 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C290 Production (in t)
          • Maize, green
            • C291 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C292 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C293 Production (in t)
          • Taro (cocoyam)
            • C295 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C296 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C297 Production (in t)
          • Yams
            • C298 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C299 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C300 Production (in t)
          • Bastfibres, other
            • C301 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C302 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C303 Production (in t)
          • Cashew nuts, with shell
            • C304 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C305 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C306 Production (in t)
          • Castor oil seed
            • C307 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C308 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C309 Production (in t)
          • Coffee, green
            • C310 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C311 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C312 Production (in t)
          • Oil palm fruit
            • C313 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C314 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C315 Production (in t)
          • Oil, palm
            • C316 Production (in t)
            • F57 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F58 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F59 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F60 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Palm kernels
            • C521 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C317 Production (in t)
            • F61 Gross Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F62 Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F63 Net Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
            • F64 Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)
          • Pineapples
            • C318 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C319 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C294 Production (in t)
          • Sisal
            • C320 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C321 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C322 Production (in t)
          • Sweet potatoes
            • C323 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C324 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C325 Production (in t)
          • Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas
            • C328 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C329 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C330 Production (in t)
          • Asparagus
            • C331 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C332 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C333 Production (in t)
          • Avocados
            • C334 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C335 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C336 Production (in t)
          • Canary seed
            • C337 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C338 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C339 Production (in t)
          • Cereals, nes
            • C340 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C341 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C342 Production (in t)
          • Fibre crops nes
            • C343 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C344 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C345 Production (in t)
          • Flax fibre and tow
            • C346 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C347 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C348 Production (in t)
          • Lupins
            • C349 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C350 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C351 Production (in t)
          • MatΘ
            • C352 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C353 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C354 Production (in t)
          • Oilseeds nes
            • C412 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C413 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C355 Production (in t)
          • Papayas
            • C356 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C357 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C358 Production (in t)
          • Peppermint
            • C482 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C483 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C359 Production (in t)
          • Safflower seed
            • C360 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C361 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C362 Production (in t)
          • Strawberries
            • C363 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C364 Yield (in hg/ha)
          • String beans
            • C365 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C366 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C367 Production (in t)
          • Tea
            • C368 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C369 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C370 Production (in t)
          • Tung nuts
            • C371 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C372 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C373 Production (in t)
          • Hazelnuts, with shell
            • C374 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C375 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C376 Production (in t)
          • Blueberries
            • C377 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C378 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C379 Production (in t)
          • Cow peas, dry
            • C380 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C381 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C382 Production (in t)
          • Currants
            • C383 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C384 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C385 Production (in t)
          • Kiwi fruit
            • C386 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C387 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C388 Production (in t)
          • Mustard seed
            • C391 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C392 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C393 Production (in t)
          • Persimmons
            • C394 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C395 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C396 Production (in t)
          • Raspberries
            • C397 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C398 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C399 Production (in t)
          • Buckwheat
            • C400 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C401 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C402 Production (in t)
          • Gooseberries
            • C403 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C404 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C405 Production (in t)
          • Grain, mixed
            • C406 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C407 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C408 Production (in t)
          • Hemp tow waste
            • C409 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C410 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C411 Production (in t)
          • Poppy seed
            • C414 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C415 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C416 Production (in t)
          • Cranberries
            • C417 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C418 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C419 Production (in t)
          • Pigeon peas
            • C420 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C421 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C422 Production (in t)
          • Plantains and others
            • C423 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C424 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C425 Production (in t)
          • Areca nuts
            • C426 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C427 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C428 Production (in t)
          • Coir
            • C429 Production (in t)
          • Ginger
            • C430 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C431 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C432 Production (in t)
          • Jute
            • C433 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C434 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C435 Production (in t)
          • Rubber, natural
            • C436 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C437 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C438 Production (in t)
          • Sugar crops, nes
            • C439 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C440 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C441 Production (in t)
          • Chicory roots
            • C442 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C443 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C444 Production (in t)
          • Roots and tubers, nes
            • C445 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C446 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C447 Production (in t)
          • Yautia (cocoyam)
            • C448 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C449 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C450 Production (in t)
          • Fonio
            • C451 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C452 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C453 Production (in t)
          • Karite nuts (sheanuts)
            • C454 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C455 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C456 Production (in t)
          • Kola nuts
            • C457 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C458 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C459 Production (in t)
          • Pepper (piper spp.)
            • C460 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C461 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C462 Production (in t)
          • Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
            • C463 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C464 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C465 Production (in t)
          • Brazil nuts, with shell
            • C523 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C524 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C466 Production (in t)
          • Pyrethrum, dried
            • C511 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C512 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C467 Production (in t)
          • Quinoa
            • C468 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C469 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C470 Production (in t)
          • Cashewapple
            • C471 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C472 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C473 Production (in t)
          • Gums, natural
            • C474 Production (in t)
          • Ramie
            • C475 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C476 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C477 Production (in t)
          • Hempseed
            • C478 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C479 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C480 Production (in t)
          • Melonseed
            • C487 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C488 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C481 Production (in t)
          • Bambara beans
            • C484 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C485 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C486 Production (in t)
          • Cinnamon (canella)
            • C489 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C490 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C491 Production (in t)
          • Cloves
            • C492 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C493 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C494 Production (in t)
          • Tallowtree seed
            • C495 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C496 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C497 Production (in t)
          • Vanilla
            • C498 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C499 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C500 Production (in t)
          • Agave fibres nes
            • C501 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C502 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C503 Production (in t)
          • Cassava leaves
            • C504 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C505 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C506 Production (in t)
          • Manila fibre (abaca)
            • C508 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C509 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C510 Production (in t)
          • Kapok fibre
            • C513 Production (in t)
          • Kapok fruit
            • C514 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C515 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C516 Production (in t)
          • Kapokseed in shell
            • C517 Production (in t)
          • Jojoba seed
            • C518 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C519 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C520 Production (in t)
          • Fruit, pome nes
            • C525 Area harvested (in ha)
            • C526 Yield (in hg/ha)
            • C527 Production (in t)
        • farming, main livestock
          • V1 asses stocks (head)
          • V2 camels stocks (head)
          • V3 cattle stocks (head)
          • V4 chickens stocks (head in 1000)
          • V5 goats stocks (head)
          • V6 horses stocks (head)
          • V7 mules stocks (head)
          • V8 sheep stocks (head)
          • V9 cattle and buffaloes stocks (head)
          • V10 poultry birds stocks (head in 1000)
          • V11 sheep and goats stocks (head)
          • V12 beehives stocks (in colony)
          • V13 buffaloes stocks (head)
          • V14 ducks stocks (head in 1000)
          • V15 geese and guinea fowls stocks (head in 1000)
          • V16 pigs stocks (head)
          • V17 turkeys stocks (head in 1000)
          • V18 rabbits and hares stocks (head in 1000)
          • V19 camelids, other, stocks (head)
          • V20 rodents, other, stocks (head in 1000)
          • V21 animals live nes stocks (head)
          • V22 pigeons, other birds stocks (head in 1000)
        • forestry
          • production
            • S24 roundwood production - total (in 1000 m^3)
        • biodiversity, endangered species, threatened species
          • fauna
            • B3 animal species - threatened (number)
          • flora
            • B4 plant species - threatened (number)
          • fauna and flora
            • B5 total species - threatened (number)
      • mineral resources
        • R1 total estimated recoverable coal (in 10^6 t)
        • R3 total crude oil reserves (in 10^6 m^3)
        • R4 total natural gas reserves (in 10^9 m^3)
        • R5 total uranium reserves - with mining costs up to US $ 130/ kg, reasonably assured and inferred (in 1000 t)
        • R6 total uranium reserves - with mining costs up to US $ 260/ kg, reasonably assured and inferred (in 1000 t)
      • energy consumption
        • by sector
          • coal
            • E17 total coal consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
            • E18 total coal consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
            • E19 total coal consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
            • E20 total coal consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
            • E21 total coal consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • natural gas
            • E22 total natural gas consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
            • E23 total natural gas consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
            • E24 total natural gas consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
            • E25 total natural gas consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
            • E26 total natural gas consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • oil
            • E27 total oil consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
            • E28 total oil consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
            • E29 total oil consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
            • E30 total oil consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
            • E31 total oil consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • charcoal
            • E33 total charcoal consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
            • E35 total charcoal consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
            • E36 total charcoal consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • biomass, wood, wastes
            • E37 total biomass, wood, waste consumption energy sector (in TJ - net)
            • E38 total biomass, wood, waste consumption manufacturing and construction sector (in TJ - net)
            • E39 total biomass, wood, waste consumption transport sector (in TJ - net)
            • E40 total biomass, wood, waste consumption other sector (in TJ - net)
            • E41 total biomass, wood, waste consumption all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • all fuels incl. biomass, total
            • E42 total fuel consumption, all sectors (in TJ - net)
          • fossile fuels, total
            • E43 total fossile fuel consumption, all sectors (in TJ - net)
        • sectoral aggregation
          • E44 energy sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E45 manufacturing and construction sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E46 transport sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E47 other sector: total fossile fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E48 energy sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E49 manufacturing and construction sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E50 transport sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
          • E51 other sector: total fuel consumption (in TJ - net)
      • human resources
        • population
          • total
            • H4 total population (in 1000)
            • H4A population male (in 1000)
            • H4B population female (in 1000)
          • urban
            • H6 urban population (in 1000)
            • H34 population in urban areas (in %)
          • rural
            • H5 rural population (in 1000)
          • demography
            • H25 annual population growth rate (in %)
            • H27 percentage of population aged 65+ years (in %)
            • H28 total fertility rate (in births per woman)
          • density
            • H7 population density (number/ km2)
        • education, enrollment
          • H33 net primary school enrollment - females (in %)
          • H29 net primary school enrollment - males (in %)
        • skills
          • literacy rate
            • H30 adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - total (in %)
            • H30A adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - male (in %)
            • H30B adult literacy rate - aged 15 years and over - female (in %)
          • illiterate, aged 15 years and over
            • H59 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - female (in %)
            • H60 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - female (in 1000)
            • H61 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - male (in %)
            • H62 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - male (in 1000)
            • H63 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - total (in %)
            • H64 illiterate population - aged 15 years and over - total (in 1000)
      • social conditions
        • health
          • diseases
            • H20 HIV prevalence aged 15 to 49 (in %)
            • H22 tuberculosis - incidence (per 100 000 population)
          • healthy life expectancy at birth
            • H41 healthy life expectancy at birth - females (in years)
            • H40 healthy life expectancy at birth - males (in years)
            • H39 healthy life expectancy at birth - total population (in years)
          • life expectancy at birth
            • H38 life expectancy at birth - females (in years)
            • H37 life expectancy at birth - males (in years)
            • H36 life expectancy at birth - total population (in years)
          • mortality
            • H16 adult males (per 1000)
            • H17 adult females (per 1000)
            • H17b adult total, between 15 and 60 years (per 1000)
            • H12b Infant mortality rate probability of dying between birth and age 1 (per 1000 live births)
            • H12 mortality: neonatal (per 1000 live births)
            • H13b Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births) (per 1000 live births)
            • H14a prematurity, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14b birth asphyxia and -traumas, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14c sepsis of newborn, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14d congenital anomalies, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14e injuries, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14f HIV, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14g other diseases, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14h diarrhoeal diseases, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14i measles, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in %)
            • H14j malaria, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in )
            • H14k acute lower respiratory infections, causes of death among children aged < 5 years (in )
            • H18 maternal mortality (per 100 000 live births)
          • expenditure on health
            • H51 external resources for health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
            • H50 general government expenditure on health as % of total general government expenditure (in %)
            • H48 general government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
            • H58 government expenditure on health ppp in international dollars (per capita)
            • H53 out-of-pocket expenditure on health as % of private expenditure on health (in %)
            • H57 per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (per capita)
            • H54 prepaid plans as % of private expenditure on health (in %)
            • H49 private expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health (in %)
            • H52 social security expenditure on health as % of general government expenditure on health (in %)
            • H46 total expenditure on health as % of GDP (in %)
            • H55 total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (per capita)
            • H56 total expenditure on health ppp in international dollars (per capita)
        • sanitation, coverage
          • H2 improved sanitation coverage - rural population (in % of population)
          • H1 improved sanitation coverage - total population (in % of population)
          • H3 improved sanitation coverage - urban population (in % of population)
        • poverty
          • H32 population living on < US$1 per day (in %)
        • losses/ natural disasters
          • L5 disasters of natural origin - affected people (number)
          • L6 disasters of natural origin - killed people (number)
      • economic core indicators
        • gross domestic product & gross national income
          • Z1 GDP (in 10^9 national currency)
          • Z12 GDP (in 10^9 US dollar)
          • H31 gross national income (ppp international dollar) (per capita)
        • industrial production
          • Z4 industrial production (index 2010=100)
        • trade
          • Z3 exports of goods and services (in 10^9 national currency)
          • Z2 imports of goods and services (in 10^9 national currency)
        • exchange rates (market rates;averages)
          • Z6 national currency per US dollar (in national currency)
          • Z8 US dollar per national currency (in US-$)
    • Unit
      • 00 %
      • 01 % of population
      • 02 10^6 m^3
      • 03 10^6 t
      • 04 10^9 m^3
      • 05 10^9 m^3/yr
      • 06 1000 ha
      • 07 1000 t
      • 08 2004-2006=100
      • 56 births per woman
      • 58 g/capita/day
      • 59 Ha
      • 60 Hg/Ha
      • 61 in ░C
      • 62 in 10^9 national currency
      • 63 in 10^9 US dollar
      • 64 in 1000
      • 65 in 1000 ha
      • 66 in 1000 m^3
      • 67 in mm/yr
      • 68 in ppm
      • 69 index 2010=100
      • 70 kcal/capita/day
      • 71 Kg
      • 72 km^3
      • 73 m^3/inhab
      • 74 m^3/inhab/year
      • 75 million tonnes
      • 76 national currency
      • 77 number
      • 79 number/ km2
      • 80 per 100 000 live births
      • 81 per 100 000 population
      • 82 per 1000
      • 83 per 1000 live births
      • 84 per capita
      • 85 t
      • 87 tonnes
      • 90 TJ - net
      • 91 ug/m^3
      • 92 US-$
      • 93 1000 US$
      • 94 years
      • 96 Head
      • 97 1000 Head
      • 98 No
    • Reporting Country
      • Regions
        • AFR Africa
        • AAR Antarctic
        • APE Arabian Peninsula
        • ARC Arctic
        • APA Asia + Pacific
        • ANZ Australia + New Zealand
        • CAR Caribbean
        • CAC Central Africa
        • CAS Central Asia
        • CEU Central Europe
        • EAF Eastern Africa
        • EEU Eastern Europe
        • EUR Europe
        • EUU European Union
        • EUA Euro Area
        • LAC Latin America + Caribbean
        • MAS Mashriq
        • MAM Meso America
        • NAC North America
        • NAF Northern Africa
        • PEA NW Pacific + East Asia
        • PLR Polar
        • SAM South America
        • SAS South Asia
        • SEA South East Asia
        • SPA South Pacific
        • SAF Southern Africa
        • WAS West Asia
        • WAF Western Africa
        • WEU Western Europe
        • WIO Western Indian Ocean
        • WOR World
        • NCO Northern Cone
        • SCO Southern Cone
      • Countries
        • AFG Afghanistan
        • ALB Albania
        • DZA Algeria
        • ASM American Samoa (US)
        • AND Andorra
        • AGO Angola
        • AIA Anguilla (UK)
        • ATA Antarctic
        • ATG Antigua and Barbuda
        • ARG Argentina
        • ARM Armenia
        • ABW Aruba (NL)
        • AUS Australia
        • AUT Austria
        • AZE Azerbaijan
        • BHS Bahamas
        • BHR Bahrain
        • BGD Bangladesh
        • BRB Barbados
        • BLR Belarus
        • BEL Belgium
        • BLZ Belize
        • BEN Benin
        • BMU Bermuda (UK)
        • BTN Bhutan
        • BOL Bolivia
        • BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
        • BWA Botswana
        • BVT Bouvet Island
        • BRA Brazil
        • IOT British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago ) (UK)
        • VGB British Virgin Islands (UK)
        • BRN Brunei Darussalam
        • BGR Bulgaria
        • BFA Burkina Faso
        • BDI Burundi
        • KHM Cambodia
        • CMR Cameroon
        • CAN Canada
        • CPV Cape Verde
        • CYM Cayman Islands (UK)
        • CAF Central African Republic
        • TCD Chad
        • CHL Chile
        • CHN China
        • CXR Christmas Islands (AU)
        • CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AU)
        • COL Colombia
        • COM Comoros
        • COG Congo
        • COD Congo, Dem. Rep. Of
        • COK Cook Islands (NZ)
        • CRI Costa Rica
        • CIV Cote d'Ivoire
        • HRV Croatia
        • CUB Cuba
        • CYP Cyprus
        • CZE Czech Republic
        • PRK Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) (North)
        • DNK Denmark
        • DJI Djibouti
        • DMA Dominica
        • DOM Dominican Republic
        • ECU Ecuador
        • EGY Egypt
        • SLV El Salvador
        • GNQ Equatorial Guinea
        • ERI Eritrea
        • EST Estonia
        • ETH Ethiopia
        • FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (UK)
        • FRO Faroe Islands (DK)
        • FJI Fiji
        • FIN Finland
        • FRA France
        • GUF French Guiana
        • PYF French Polynesia (FR)
        • ATF French Southern and Antarctic Territories
        • GAB Gabon
        • GMB Gambia
        • GEO Georgia
        • DEU Germany
        • GHA Ghana
        • GIB Gibraltar (UK)
        • GRC Greece
        • GRL Greenland (DK)
        • GRD Grenada
        • GLP Guadeloupe (FR)
        • GUM Guam (US)
        • GTM Guatemala
        • GBG Guernsey
        • GGY Guernsey
        • GIN Guinea
        • GNB Guinea-Bissau
        • GUY Guyana
        • HTI Haiti
        • HMD Heard Island & McDonald Islands
        • VAT Holy See
        • HND Honduras
        • HKG Hong Kong
        • HUN Hungary
        • ISL Iceland
        • IND India
        • IDN Indonesia
        • IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of)
        • IRQ Iraq
        • IRL Ireland
        • IMY Isle of Man (UK)
        • ISR Israel
        • ITA Italy
        • JAM Jamaica
        • JPN Japan
        • GBJ Jersey
        • JEY Jersey
        • JOR Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
        • KAZ Kazakhstan
        • KEN Kenya
        • KIR Kiribati
        • KOR Korea
        • KSV Kosovo
        • KWT Kuwait
        • KGZ Kyrgyzstan
        • LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
        • LVA Latvia
        • LBN Lebanon
        • LSO Lesotho
        • LBR Liberia
        • LBY Libyan (Arab Jamahiriya)
        • LIE Liechtenstein
        • LTU Lithuania
        • LUX Luxembourg
        • MAC Macau, China
        • MKD Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
        • MDG Madagascar
        • MWI Malawi
        • MYS Malaysia
        • MDV Maldives
        • MLI Mali
        • MLT Malta
        • MHL Marshall Islands (US)
        • MTQ Martinique (FR)
        • MRT Mauritania
        • MUS Mauritius
        • MYT Mayotte (FR)
        • MEX Mexico
        • FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
        • MDA Moldova
        • MCO Monaco
        • MNG Mongolia
        • MNE Montenegro
        • MSR Montserrat (UK)
        • MAR Morocco
        • MOZ Mozambique
        • MMR Myanmar
        • NAM Namibia
        • NRU Nauru
        • NPL Nepal
        • NLD Netherlands
        • ANT Netherland Antilles (NL)
        • NCL New Caledonia (FR)
        • NZL New Zealand
        • NIC Nicaragua
        • NER Niger
        • NGA Nigeria
        • NIU Niue (NZ)
        • NFK Norfolk Island (AU)
        • MNP Northern Mariana Islands (US)
        • NOR Norway
        • PSE Palestinian Authority
        • OMN Oman
        • PAK Pakistan
        • PLW Palau (US)
        • PAN Panama
        • PNG Papua New Guinea
        • PRY Paraguay
        • PER Peru
        • PHL Philippines
        • PCN Pitcairn (UK)
        • POL Poland
        • PRT Portugal
        • PRI Puerto Rico (US)
        • QAT Qatar
        • REU Reunion (FR)
        • ROU Romania
        • RUS Russia
        • RWA Rwanda
        • SHN St. Helena (UK)
        • KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
        • LCA Saint Lucia
        • SPM St. Pierre and Miquelon (FR)
        • VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
        • WSM Samoa
        • SMR San Marino
        • STP Sao Tome and Principe
        • SAU Saudi Arabia
        • SEN Senegal
        • SRB Serbia
        • SYC Seychelles
        • SLE Sierra Leone
        • SGP Singapore
        • SVK Slovakia
        • SVN Slovenia
        • SLB Solomon Islands
        • SOM Somalia
        • ZAF South Africa
        • SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
        • ESP Spain
        • LKA Sri Lanka
        • SSD South Sudan
        • SDN Sudan
        • SUR Suriname
        • SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen (NO)
        • SWZ Swaziland
        • SWE Sweden
        • CHE Switzerland
        • SYR Syrian Arab Republic
        • TWN Taiwan
        • TJK Tajikistan
        • TZA Tanzania
        • THA Thailand
        • TLS Timor-Leste
        • TGO Togo
        • TKL Tokelau (NZ)
        • TON Tonga
        • TTO Trinidad and Tobago
        • TUN Tunisia
        • TUR Turkey
        • TKM Turkmenistan
        • TCA Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)
        • TUV Tuvalu
        • UGA Uganda
        • UKR Ukraine
        • ARE United Arab Emirates
        • GBR United Kingdom
        • USA United States of America
        • URY Uruguay
        • UZB Uzbekistan
        • VUT Vanuatu
        • VEN Venezuela
        • VNM Viet Nam
        • VIR Virgin Islands of the United States (US)
        • WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR)
        • ESH Western Sahara
        • YEM Yemen (Republic of)
        • YUG Serbia and Montenegro
        • ZMB Zambia
        • ZWE Zimbabwe