methods, notes and classification OECD Economic Outlook: Long-term baseline projections Methoden, Erläuterungen und Klassifizierung

*                                                                              *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                              *
* PARIS                 OECD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK:                                 *
*                       Long-term baseline projections                         *
*                       --------------------------------                       *
*                                                                              *
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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...XXXXXX   Indicator

SUB-CODE  1 : Country

          E15 Euro area (15 countries)
          OTO OECD - Total
          NME Non-OECD Member Economies
          WLD World

        OECD Member Economies
          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CHL Chile
          CZE Czech Republic
          DNK Denmark
          EST Estonia
          FIN Finland
          FRA France
          DEU Germany
          GRC Greece
          HUN Hungary
          ISL Iceland
          IRL Ireland
          ISR Israel
          ITA Italy
          JPN Japan
          KOR Korea
          LUX Luxembourg
          MEX Mexico
          NLD Netherlands
          NZL New Zealand
          NOR Norway
          POL Poland
          PRT Portugal
          SVK Slovak Republic
          SVN Slovenia
          ESP Spain
          SWE Sweden
          CHE Switzerland
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom
          USA United States

        Non-OECD Member Economies
          BRA Brazil
          CHN China
          IND India
          IDN Indonesia
          RUS Russian Federation
          ZAF South Africa

SUB-CODE  2 : Indicator

     External sectors, trade and payments
       CBGDPR CBGDPR: Current account balance, as a percentage of GDP
         EXCH EXCH: Exchange rate, USD per National currency

     Supply block
         ETPT ETPT: Potential employment of the total economy
          GAP GAP: Output gap of the total economy
         KTPV KTPV: Productive capital stocks, volume
        NAIRU NAIRU: NAIRU - Unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate
        NLGQU NLGQU: Underlying government net lending, as a percentage of potential GDP
       NLGXQU NLGXQU: Underlying government primary balance, as a percentage of potential GDP
       PDTYPT PDTYPTD: Potential output per potential employment, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
       GDPVTR GDPVTRD: Potential output of total economy, volume,at 2005 PPP, USD
       LABEFF LABEFFSD: Trend labour efficiency of the total economy, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD

     Expenditure and GDP
        GDPVD GDPVD: Gross domestic product, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
       ITISKD ITISKD: Gross capital formation, in USD
       SAVPGQ SAVPGQ: Gross private savings, as a percentage of GDP
       SAVTGD SAVTGD: Gross national savings, in USD
       SAVTGQ SAVTGQ: Gross national savings, as a percentage of GDP
       GDPPOP GDPPOP: Gross domestic product per person, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
       ITISKQ ITISKQ: Gross capital formation, as a percentage of GDP

     Government accounts
        GGFLQ GGFLQ: General government gross financial liabilities, as a percentage of GDP
         NLGQ NLGQ: Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP

     Monetary data
          IRL IRL: Long-term interest rate on government bonds

     Prices and deflators
         PGDP PGDP: Gross domestic product, deflator, market prices
          PPP PPP: Purchasing power parity, National currency per USD

     Labour markets
          POP POP: Population

    • External sectors, trade and payments
      • CBGDPR CBGDPR: Current account balance, as a percentage of GDP
      • EXCH EXCH: Exchange rate, USD per National currency
    • Supply block
      • ETPT ETPT: Potential employment of the total economy
      • GAP GAP: Output gap of the total economy
      • KTPV KTPV: Productive capital stocks, volume
      • NAIRU NAIRU: NAIRU - Unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate
      • NLGQU NLGQU: Underlying government net lending, as a percentage of potential GDP
      • NLGXQU NLGXQU: Underlying government primary balance, as a percentage of potential GDP
      • PDTYPT PDTYPTD: Potential output per potential employment, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
      • GDPVTR GDPVTRD: Potential output of total economy, volume,at 2005 PPP, USD
      • LABEFF LABEFFSD: Trend labour efficiency of the total economy, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
    • Expenditure and GDP
      • GDPVD GDPVD: Gross domestic product, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
      • ITISKD ITISKD: Gross capital formation, in USD
      • SAVPGQ SAVPGQ: Gross private savings, as a percentage of GDP
      • SAVTGD SAVTGD: Gross national savings, in USD
      • SAVTGQ SAVTGQ: Gross national savings, as a percentage of GDP
      • GDPPOP GDPPOP: Gross domestic product per person, volume, at 2005 PPP, USD
      • ITISKQ ITISKQ: Gross capital formation, as a percentage of GDP
    • Government accounts
      • GGFLQ GGFLQ: General government gross financial liabilities, as a percentage of GDP
      • NLGQ NLGQ: Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP
    • Monetary data
      • IRL IRL: Long-term interest rate on government bonds
    • Prices and deflators
      • PGDP PGDP: Gross domestic product, deflator, market prices
      • PPP PPP: Purchasing power parity, National currency per USD
    • Labour markets
      • POP POP: Population
    • Reporting Country
      • Zones
        • E15 Euro area (15 countries)
        • OTO OECD - Total
        • NME Non-OECD Member Economies
        • WLD World
      • OECD Member Economies
        • AUS Australia
        • AUT Austria
        • BEL Belgium
        • CAN Canada
        • CHL Chile
        • CZE Czech Republic
        • DNK Denmark
        • EST Estonia
        • FIN Finland
        • FRA France
        • DEU Germany
        • GRC Greece
        • HUN Hungary
        • ISL Iceland
        • IRL Ireland
        • ISR Israel
        • ITA Italy
        • JPN Japan
        • KOR Korea
        • LUX Luxembourg
        • MEX Mexico
        • NLD Netherlands
        • NZL New Zealand
        • NOR Norway
        • POL Poland
        • PRT Portugal
        • SVK Slovak Republic
        • SVN Slovenia
        • ESP Spain
        • SWE Sweden
        • CHE Switzerland
        • TUR Turkey
        • GBR United Kingdom
        • USA United States
      • Non-OECD Member Economies
        • BRA Brazil
        • CHN China
        • IND India
        • IDN Indonesia
        • RUS Russian Federation
        • ZAF South Africa