OECD Labour Market Statistics (C1/tab. 1-7)

Quelle: OECD, Paris

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Series: Total population / Sex: Men / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Total population / Sex: Women / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Total population / Sex: Total / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Population 15 and over / Sex: Men / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Population 15 and over / Sex: Women / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Population 15 and over / Sex: Total / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Population 15 to 64 / Sex: Men / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia
Series: Population 15 to 64 / Sex: Women / Measure: Thousands / Table 1. Labour force status (LFS) by sex / C1. Labour force status / Australia