methods, notes and classification Privacy and protection of personal information (until 2016) methods, notes and classification

    • Information society indicator
      • 000 Individuals who know that cookies can be used to trace movements of people on the internet
      • 001 Individuals who don't know that cookies can be used to trace movements of people on the internet
      • 002 Individuals have ever changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit the amount of cookies
      • 003 Individuals who have never changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit the amount of cookies
      • 004 Individuals who know that cookies can be used to trace movements of people on the internet and who have ever changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit them
      • 005 Individuals who know that cookies can be used to trace movements of people on the internet and who have never changed the settings in their internet browser to prevent or limit them
      • 006 Individuals provided personal details over the internet (name, date of birth, identity card number)
      • 007 Individuals provided contact details over the internet
      • 008 Individuals provided payment details over the internet
      • 009 Individuals provided other personal information over the internet (e.g. photos, current location, information related to health, employment, income)
      • 00a Individuals did not provide any personal information over the internet
      • 00b Individuals provided personal information over the internet
      • 00c Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by reading privacy policy statements before providing personal information
      • 00d Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by restricting access to their geograpical location
      • 00e Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by limiting access to their profile or content on social networking sites
      • 00f Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by not allowing the use of personal information for advertising purposes
      • 00g Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by checking that the website where they needed to provide personal information was secure (e.g. https sites, safety logo or certificate)
      • 00h Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by asking websites or search engines to access the information hold about them to be updated or deleted
      • 00i Individuals managed access to their personal information on the internet by doing at least one of the selected activities (i_piacpp, i_piacgeo, i_piacsn, i_piacadv, i_piacsweb, i_piacud)
      • 00j Individuals are very concerned with their online activities being recorded to provide them with tailored advertising
      • 00k Individuals are somewhat concerned with their online activities being recorded to provide them with tailored advertising
      • 00l Individuals are not concerned at all with their online activities being recorded to provide them with tailored advertising
      • 00m Individuals are concerned (to any degree) with their online activities being recorded to provide them with tailored advertising
      • 00n Individuals use anti-tracking software (software that limits the ability to track their activities on the internet)
      • 00o Individuals don't use anti-tracking software (software that limits the ability to track their activities on the internet)
    • Individual type
      • 00 All Individuals
      • 01 Individuals, 15 years old or less
      • 02 Individuals, 16 to 24 years old
      • 03 Individuals, 25 to 34 years old
      • 04 Individuals, 25 to 54 years old
      • 05 Individuals, 25 to 64 years old
      • 06 Individuals, 35 to 44 years old
      • 07 Individuals, 45 to 54 years old
      • 08 Individuals, 55 to 64 years old
      • 09 Individuals, 55 to 74 years old
      • 0a Individuals, 65 to 74 years old
      • 0b Individuals, 75 years old or more
      • 0c Individuals aged 16-24 with low education
      • 0d Individuals aged 16-24 with medium formal education
      • 0e Individuals aged 16-24 with high formal education
      • 0f Individuals aged 25 to 54 with low formal education
      • 0g Individuals aged 25 to 54 with medium formal education
      • 0h Individuals aged 25 to 54 with high formal education
      • 0i Individuals aged 25 to 64 with low formal education
      • 0j Individuals aged 25 to 64 with medium formal education
      • 0k Individuals aged 25 to 64 with high formal education
      • 0l Individuals aged 55 to 74 with low formal education
      • 0m Individuals aged 55 to 74 with medium formal education
      • 0n Individuals aged 55 to 74 with high formal education
      • 0o Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are employees, self-employed or family workers
      • 0p Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are unemployed
      • 0q Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
      • 0r Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
      • 0s Males, 16 to 24 years old
      • 0t Females, 16 to 24 years old
      • 0u Males, 16 to 74 years old
      • 0v Females, 16 to 74 years old
      • 0w Males 25 to 54 years old
      • 0x Females 25 to 54 years old
      • 0y Males, 25 to 64 years old
      • 0z Females, 25 to 64 years old
      • 10 Males 55 to 74 years old
      • 11 Females 55 to 74 years old
      • 12 Males with low formal education
      • 13 Females with low formal education
      • 14 Males with medium formal education
      • 15 Females with medium formal education
      • 16 Males with high formal education
      • 17 Females with high formal education
      • 18 Individuals with no or low formal education
      • 19 Individuals with medium formal education
      • 1a Individuals with high formal education
      • 1b Individuals who are born in another EU Member State
      • 1c Individuals who are born in non-EU country
      • 1d Individuals who are foreign-born
      • 1e Individuals who are native-born
      • 1f Nationals of another EU-Member State
      • 1g Nationals of non-EU country
      • 1h Non-nationals
      • 1i Nationals
      • 1j Individuals in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
      • 1k Individual living in a household with income in first quartile
      • 1l Individual living in a household with income in second quartile
      • 1m Individual living in a household with income in third quartile
      • 1n Individual living in a household with income in fourth quartile
      • 1o Individuals living in cities
      • 1p Individuals living in towns and suburbs
      • 1q Individuals living in rural areas
      • 1r Individuals living in a household with broadband access
      • 1s Individuals living in a household with Internet access but with no broadband access
      • 1t ICT professionals
      • 1u Non ICT professionals
      • 1v Non-manual including the armed forces
      • 1w Manual
      • 1x Individuals who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
      • 1y Employees, self-employed, family workers
      • 1z Students
      • 20 Unemployed
      • 21 Individuals living in a household with children
      • 22 Individuals living in a household without children
    • Unit of measure
      • 00 Percentage of individuals
      • 01 Percentage of individuals who used internet within the last year
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
      • 001 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
      • 002 European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)
      • 003 European Union - 15 countries (1995-2004)
      • 004 Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)
      • 005 Belgium
      • 006 Bulgaria
      • 007 Czechia
      • 008 Denmark
      • 009 Germany
      • 00a Estonia
      • 00b Ireland
      • 00c Greece
      • 00d Spain
      • 00e France
      • 00f Croatia
      • 00g Italy
      • 00h Cyprus
      • 00i Latvia
      • 00j Lithuania
      • 00k Luxembourg
      • 00l Hungary
      • 00m Malta
      • 00n Netherlands
      • 00o Austria
      • 00p Poland
      • 00q Portugal
      • 00r Romania
      • 00s Slovenia
      • 00t Slovakia
      • 00u Finland
      • 00v Sweden
      • 00w Norway
      • 00x United Kingdom
      • 00y North Macedonia
      • 00z Serbia
      • 010 Türkiye